January #SANchat Transcript – All about compression & deduplication (Live from DSF London)

If you have been following our SANchat theme the last couple of months you know we’ve been talking a lot about deduplication and compression. We were gearing up for the SANchat we hosted today, live from Dell Storage Forum in London.  It, conveniently, coincided with today’s announcement about our new storage platform, DR4000.

Mike Davis (@mike_davis), who joined us in November and December, helped us wrap up this series today when we had a (slightly condensed) SANchat where we talked more about the DR4000. If you are interested in checking them out, here are the compression and deduplication SANchat transcripts from Nov and Dec.

You can find the full transcript below. Be sure to follow us on Twitter so that you stay up to date on the upcoming SANchats and tweet us if you have any follow up questions/comments! Join us in February as we talk about EqualLogic!

iSCSIKing: RT @gminks: There is a live #SANchat at 5 pm GMT in the Fluid Data Lounge. More with @mike_davis on #dedupe live from #DellSF12

gminks: a little more than one hour till the live #SANchat with Dell's @mike_davis – if you are at #DellSF12 meet us in the Fluid Data Lounge

gminks: today's #sanchat is a continuation of last month's #dedupe converation http://t.co/nGcSkfi5

jasonboche: RT @gminks: a little more than one hour till the live #SANchat with Dell's @mike_davis – if you are at #DellSF12 meet us in the Fluid Data Lounge

DellTechDE: RT @gminks: today's #sanchat is a continuation of last month's #dedupe converation http://t.co/NT6Y4NRz

RafaelKnuth: RT @gminks: today's #sanchat is a continuation of last month's #dedupe converation http://t.co/At3QGcPn

RafaelKnuth: RT @gminks: a little more than 1 hour till the live #SANchat w/ Dell's @mike_davis If you are at #DellSF12 meet us in the Fluid Data Lounge

annettecormier: RT @gminks: today's #sanchat is a continuation of last month's #dedupe converation http://t.co/nGcSkfi5

SFoskett: @fabiorapposelli I'll be right down in the lounge for #SANchat

gminks: cool, we're doing a condensed version today RT @SFoskett: @fabiorapposelli Ill be right down in the lounge for #SANchat

gminks: waiting for @mike_davis to finish his #DellSF12 presentation so we can start #SANchat

AlisonatDell: hello! alisonatdell, here! excited to hear about dedupe and compression stuff now that DR4000 was announced! #SANchat

mike_davis: Hi All, finally found a good solid network to do some chatting. Just finished a great DR4000 preso by Chandan. #SANchat

gminks: @mike_davis alright you are here, we can get started!  #SANchat

gminks: @mike_davis and everyone else, we suggest using http://t.co/qFMJenhO to keep up with the conversation #SANchat

SFoskett: RT @gminks: @mike_davis and everyone else, we suggest using http://t.co/qFMJenhO to keep up with the conversation #SANchat

mike_davis: The DR4000 is a great answer for disk staging of backup data in SMB to mid enterprise customers. Our 2nd "Ocarina enabled" product! #SANchat

SFoskett: Question for @Mike_Davis: How much of the DR4000 is in-house Dell vs. OEM software components? #SANchat

mike_davis: We had some good questions in this afternoon's session. One about whether DR4000 shrinks data like legacy Ocarina algorithms… #SANchat

mike_davis: The DR4000 was optimized for backup with in-band dedupe, so we prioritize performance over [for example] special video algorithms #SANchat

gminks: RT @SFoskett: Question for @Mike_Davis: How much of the DR4000 is in-house Dell vs. OEM software components?  #SANchat

mike_davis: The DR4000 was developed primarily in Sunnyvale (Ocarina team), including a new set of algorithms designed for the job. #SANchat

mike_davis: Are there any customers in the chat with backup stories to tell? #SANchat

CPMoroney: How will you be positioning EqualLogic now that Dell has Compellent for iSCSI too? #SANchat

gminks: RT @mike_davis: Are there any customers in the chat with backup stories to tell? #SANchat

mike_davis: @CPMoroney The physical layer is not necessarily the thing that drives customers to one family over the other. Other things matter. #SANchat

gminks: @mike_davis what sort of other things? #SANchat

mike_davis: Choice of Eql vs CML is driven by perferences for ease-of-use, scale, VMWare integration, and other factors. #SANchat

mike_davis: There is some market overlap between Eql and CML, but customers generally express a clear preference based on their environment #SANchat

SFoskett: @mike_davis @CPMoroney Eql and CML both have ease, scale, VMware integration. They don't overlap below $50k but above… #SANchat

mike_davis: We've talked to a lot of SMB-ME accounts and find a lot of JBOD disk staging, but not a lot of dedupe. #DR4000 is a great fit. #SANchat

Michael_EDavis: @mike_davis Is the DR4000 oriented more toward backup or primary storage? Some of the blurbs I read could go either way.  #SANchat

CPMoroney: What filesystem is used in the new dedupe appliance? #SANchat

mike_davis: @Michael_EDavis #DR4000 is definitely backup. We will have different implementations for primary (NAS/SAN). #SANchat

gminks: RT @CPMoroney: What filesystem is used in the new dedupe appliance? #SANchat

mike_davis: @CPMoroney The FS used in #DR4000 is not something we're talking about since it's not NAS. We just need basic NFS/CIFS. #SANchat

mike_davis: @CPMoroney We are not using FluidFS here (which may seem odd), but we didn't want to inur the HW cost of HA; not a B/U requirement #SANchat

iSCSIKing: Finally able to join #sanchat

SFoskett: @iSCSIKing All hail the king! #SANchat

iSCSIKing: Very busy time to try and get somewhere in London before #sanchat

mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

iSCSIKing: RT @SFoskett: @iSCSIKing All hail the king! < Thanks Stephen #sanchat

gminks: @iSCSIKing finally! I think we're about to wrap up so those of us at #DellSF12 can get to the Tower of London #SANchat

mattvogt: Hey guys, just checking while on a con call #SANchat

SFoskett: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

plankers: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

gminks: it got mentioned at #DellSF12 happy now Foskett? RT @SFoskett: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

SFoskett: Hi @mattvogt! Did you see that Dell is releasing VAAI for Compellent? Got any questions for them? #SANchat

hansdeleenheer: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

iSCSIKing: @gminks sorry it was a mad house on the streets tonight  #sanchat

iSCSIKing: RT @mattvogt: Hey guys, just checking while on a con call < Hey Matt #sanchat

gminks: @iSCSIKing no worries, glad you were able to join Lance #SANchat

iSCSIKing: RT @SFoskett: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR < I still need to get my FCOTR pin #sanchat

fabiorapposelli: Q: can the #DR4000 replicate to a remote site without rehydrating data? think remote vaulting. #SANchat

mike_davis: After @sfoskett explained the importance to me of FCOTR, I lobbied hard to add to our Fluid Data Strategy. Alas no luck. #SANchat

gminks: RT @fabiorapposelli: Q: can the #DR4000 replicate to a remote site without rehydrating data? think remote vaulting. #SANchat

JLivens: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat -> It is the future….of what, I am not sure.

mike_davis: @fabiorapposelli DR4000 replication is indeed optimized, including a global dedupe capability in many-to-1 topology.Very LAN effic #SANchat

mattvogt: @hansdeleenheer I think you forgot the #SANCHAT hashtag ๐Ÿ™‚

hansdeleenheer: #DellSF12 can de #DR4000 replicate from multiple branch offices to one big central store? #SANchat

mike_davis: @hansdeleenheer Many-to-1 replication will be supported sometime after the initial release. Customers get for free though. #SANchat

bvienneau: is the #DR4000 inline dedupe? post process dedupe? #SANCHAT #SANchat

mike_davis: @bvienneau #DR4000 is inline dedupe and compression. No post process here. #SANchat

hansdeleenheer: #DellSF12 will the #DR4000 "global dedupe" only copy delta's? (bandwith reduction) #SANchat

gminks: I'm signing off everyone – keep the great questions coming!!! #SANchat

bvienneau: any stats on throughput published yet? #SANchat

mike_davis: @hansdeleenheer #DR4000 has optimized replication (just diffs with negative ack protocol). #SANchat

mike_davis: Throughput is 1-4TB/hr depending on protocol…plenty good we've found for the target market with 1-5TB backup sets. #SANchat

SFoskett: I wonder what @WCPreston will think of the new #DR4000 introduced today… #SANchat

hansdeleenheer: #DellSF12 does de rehydration goes as fast as the  process for #DR4000? #SANchat

CPMoroney: Does the #DR4000 include the Ocarina content-aware compression or just deduplication? #SANchat

mike_davis: @hansdeleenheer Good Q, not sure I've seen the readback tpt numbers. Should be pretty symmetric.  #SANchat

Bacon_Is_King: RT @CPMoroney: I made sure to get my FCOTR button! #SANchat http://t.co/iXUnYIjk >want

SFoskett: RT @CPMoroney: I made sure to get my FCOTR button! #SANchat http://t.co/KhoL4UH4

mike_davis: @CPMoroney Content aware generally assumes post-process so we can analyze the whole file. DX is content aware, DR4000 is not. #SANchat

mike_davis: Signing off from SANchat, thanks everyone! #SANchat

hansdeleenheer: RT @CPMoroney: I made sure to get my FCOTR button! #SANchat http://t.co/RZl4kPGA < we are wearing them too at #DellSF12

SFoskett: Looks like #SANchat is done for today, with @mike_davis and @gminks heading to the Tower of London! #DellSF12

hansdeleenheer: RT @mike_davis: Signing off from SANchat, thanks everyone! #sanchat < check! Thx for listening

paranet: RT @iscsiking: Very busy time to try and get somewhere in London before  #sanchat

millardjk: RT @mike_davis: All hail FCOTR #SANchat

About the Author: Alison Krause