Introducing EMC’s New Spanish Support Community!

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EMC continually strives to serve our global customers in the channel and language of your choice. Despite the fact that many EMC customers (and employees, including myself!) are accustomed to using English as a second language, the ability to access support content in our native language makes getting the technical advice and help we need an  easier, faster and more enjoyable experience. Numerous EMC products are available worldwide, including in Spanish-speaking regions like Latin America and Spain, and up until recently, customers and partners in those regions who wanted to participate in the Support Community Network were only able to do so in English. This has been challenging enough for them that as a result they would opt for contacting support via phone or chat, just so they can take care of their issue with a Spanish-speaking technician. Therefore, I’m very excited to announce the launch of our NEW Spanish Support Community, now available on the EMC Community Network.

A few weeks ago we introduced the pilot program for the Spanish Support Community [read: The New EMC Spanish Support Community Pilot says ¡Bienvenidos!]. Thanks to your feedback, participation and support, we are able to launch this community to the general public! The Spanish Support Community is an important part of EMC’s Agile Services strategy – it enables you to connect and share technical content with other EMC customers, partners, and technical experts in your preferred language. During the pilot period for this community, 100% of our visitors rated their experience in our community as Excellent, Very Good, or Good, and as a result we are dedicated to continuing to expand on the content available in this community. We couldn’t have done this without your help, so for this reason we’d like to encourage you to continue visiting our community and share any thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have with regards to any EMC product, and provide your feedback on ways we can improve our community. For a brief video introduction to the Spanish Support Community, please see below!


For those who are not yet members, take a look at some of the benefits we provide for active members:

  • Spanish-only Support Community content
  • Q&A discussions threads in product-focused support forums
  • Easy-to-find detailed advice and solutions to common issues for different products
  • Helpful connections you can establish to share ideas, experiences, and feedback
  • Be recognized and qualify for incentives based on your participation and expertise
  • Learn about EMC events in Latin America or Spain, as well as webinars and other Spanish-centric activities
  • Be part of the only all-in-Spanish community of EMC stakeholders

They say a party without cake is a meeting, and I say a Support Community without content is a ghost town. Fortunately, the Spanish Support Community is filled with great, helpful content ready and waiting to help you troubleshoot challenges and do your job better. Don’t think that because this is a new community you will not find enough content to help you answer your concerns. As of today, we have over 300 documents, question threads and helpful articles that have proven to be popular in other communities — and best of all, they’re all in Spanish!

Something else worth mentioning is that thanks to the success from other localized networks, like the Chinese and Japanese Support Communities, we’re now working on the pilot for a new Portuguese Support Community as well (coming soon!). We hope that this new member of the Multilingual Support Community strategy (MLS) of ECN will be as successful as the rest of our foreign language communities.

Ok, finally if you got to read this far you get a bonus, as I will let you on a little secret. Currently in the Spanish Support Community we’re running a contest that, in my opinion, is really easy to win. To learn the details follow the instructions under Phase 2 (Fase 2) of this link: Good luck!

To get direct access to our Spanish Support Community, follow this link: (Bookmark it!)

If you don’t yet have an account on ECN, log in with Powerlink or register by following this link (it’s quick and easy):

By Roberto

Spanish Support Community Manager



Personal blog:

About the Author: Roberto Araujo

I'm a project manager in charge of the Ask the Expert program of ECN. I'm also the community manager for the Spanish Support Community.How can I help you?- Anything related on coordinating any type of Ask the Expert event- Anything related to support in Spanish- Need an introduction to a contact in Latin America or Spain? Chances are I know her or him, let me know I love connecting peopleHere is the link our main ATE site on ECN: Here is the link to our Spanish Support Community: Soy el administrador de la Comunidad EMC de Soporte en Espanol y manager del programa Pregunte al Experto (Ask the Expert) de ECN.Como te puedo ayudar?- Todo relacionado a la Comunidad en Espanol- Organizando un Pregunte al Experto, ya sea en ingles or castellano- Necesitas material en espanol? es muy posible que sepa donde puedes buscar- Quisieras conectarte con algun empleado o cliente en Latino America o Espana, preguntame derrepente yo lo/la conozca- Preguntas acerca del soporte a cualquier producto EMC, dime y vere como te puedo ayudar.Esta es la direccion de la Comunidad EMC de Soporte en Espanol: Esta el la direccion de el programa Pregunte al Experto (Ask the Expert):