Inside Flash Episode #4: EMC World 2012, Area 51 (Project Thunder)

So if Lightning, now VFCache, is a server Flash caching solution anchored in array protection, Thunder represents the move from the host to Server Network Flash. Server Network Flash representing a flash resource that can be shared across multiple hosts. More important, Thunder will leverage the intelligence of VFCache and continue the extension of EMCs Fully Automated Storage Tiering. Flash in the Array, Flash in the Server and Flash in the Network… To get a closer look at Project Thunder I attended a Secret Session at EMC World 2012, “Area-51”. Not much was known about Area-51. The session was standing room only, and fortunately, I had my camera ready. Here is a quick look at the “Project Thunder” presentation at EMC World 2012 “Area-51”…..

Welcome to Inside Flash, Episode #4, August 27th, 2012.

The buzz started back in February, when Chuck Hollis previewed EMC Project Thunder. VFCache was code named Lightning, and what follows lightning… Thunder!

Let me step back… back to my early days at EMC. Back then most EMC Symmetrix deployments involved directly attaching an array to Big Iron! (Mainframe, Sun 10k, that sort of stuff…) It didn’t take long to realize the potential of the platform and recognize that the capacity was “trapped” or attached to a single host. The solution now seems simple, a Storage Area Network! Share the goodness of the Storage Array with multiple hosts.

So if Lightning, now VFCache, is a server Flash caching solution anchored in array protection, Thunder represents the move from the host to Server Network Flash. Server Network Flash representing a flash resource that can be shared across multiple hosts. More important, Thunder will leverage the intelligence of VFCache and continue the extension of EMCs Fully Automated Storage Tiering. Flash in the Array, Flash in the Server and Flash in the Network… To get a closer look at Project Thunder I attended a Secret Session at EMC World 2012, “Area-51”. Not much was known about Area-51. The session was standing room only, and fortunately, I had my camera ready. Here is a quick look at the “Project Thunder” presentation at EMC World 2012 “Area-51”…..

Questions/Comments? Contact me directly at and thanks for
watching Much more to come so see you next time, in the Flash lane!!!

About the Author: Sam Marraccini

Sam Marraccini is a 18-year EMC veteran and 27-year technology veteran. Part of the Dell EMC Global Portfolio Marketing Team, Sam is focused on developing and evangelizing the unique benefits of Dell EMC Products, Technologies and Solutions