Have You Migrated to Linux Yet?

The Linux Foundation conducted a
recent survey among Linux users, focusing its study of users in the
Enterprise.  The results confirmed the trends we’re seeing in the market and surprisingly had a few tidbits worth noting.
 We’ve long moved past the “Linux is only for geeks” phase to now seeing
Linux being used for mission critical applications and workloads.  We see Linux as a key
component in the cloud infrastructure.  Our customers have told us
of their desire to move away from costly,
proprietary environments to Linux on Dell PowerEdge solutions.

Here’s what the study showed us:

  • More Windows to Linux migrations than UNIX to Linux
  • Linux becoming top choice for mission
    critical apps
  • Technical superiority and feature set
    over TCO top the list for Linux adoption (choice of HW is last)
  • New applications/deployments outnumber
    UNIX and Windows
  • Recession did not drive the move to
    Linux.  For those that did switch due to the economy, using Linux on
    lesser HW was a key decision factor.
  • Orgs are moving slowly to cloud
    services, but the cloud infrastructure is dominated by Linux

Biggest obstacles to adopting Linux,
according to those surveyed (starting with top concern):

  • Driver availability – vendors either
    not releasing drivers or it's difficult to find
  • Interoperability with other systems and
  • Talent and skill sets – growing too
    fast to find available talent
  • Fragmentation – different Linux OS
    distributions (SLES,
    CentOS, Debian, Red
    , Oracle Linux, etc.)
  • Legal issues – possible (but not yet
    proven) patent infringements within the Linux code

Click here
to see the report for yourself.

Follow me at twitter.com/Leauanae.

About the Author: Tui Leauanae