Dell Security – the Best in the Business

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Search Security awards Dell Data Protection | Encryption and SonicWALL its Security Readers Choice Award

Time and again when we speak with customers of every size, security is their number one concern.  At Dell, we recognized this need early on and have been building our portfolio to meet these needs, which led to the acquisition of industry leaders like SonicWALL and Credant.  Now, it looks like others are taking notice of our efforts, too.

 Recently, Search Security announced that Dell Data Protection| Encryption has been chosen as the Security Readers’ Choice Award 2013 for Encryption and SonicWALL won its Security Readers’ Choice Award 2013 for Unified Threat Management. The fact that these awards are based on feedback from readers of key, security-focused publications makes us particularly proud because that means this is the opinion of customers and potential customers.

Company data, which includes customer information, intellectual property and sales information, is the lifeblood of many organizations and safeguarding that information can be the difference between staying in business and losing the trust and confidence of your customers. With Dell Data Protection | Encryption, Dell has taken an innovative approach to addressing one of the most sensitive and vulnerable facets of the IT ecosystem – the endpoint. DDP|E makes is possible to quickly and easily protect critical data on desktops, laptops, tablets and USB thumb drives and external media devices.

According to Pete Lindstrom, principal and vice president of research, Spire Security – this is exactly what Dell was able to do with Dell Data Protection Encryption and was a key factor in earning this recognition: “Getting encryption right at an enterprise scale has always been challenging. What has changed over the past few years, however, is that available products are capable of handling some of the toughest hurdles, such as key management, with little impact on system performance. The additional benefits encryption provides to address laws and regulations, gives it the nudge it has needed to become a clear winner from an economic perspective."

I don’t think I could have said it said it any better myself.

About the Author: Brett Hansen

Brett Hansen is Vice President, Dell Unified Workspace. In this role, he is responsible for developing solutions that enable customers to simplify and streamline their client lifecycle, secure their endpoints, and ultimately provide users with a more productive and modernized workspace environment. With Dell Technologies uniquely positioned to deliver these solutions, Mr. Hansen harnesses capabilities from Dell Client, Dell Services, VMware and Secureworks to deliver integrated solutions spanning hardware, software and services. These technologies are optimized on Dell Client portfolio, but also embrace the multi-OS and device heterogenous environments of our customers, ultimately providing them with the choice, simplification, and productivity improvements they desire. Brett engages with customers, channel partners and product developers on a daily basis, leveraging his more than 15 years of experience leading business development and channel functions in the software industry. Brett joined Dell after 12 years with IBM Software Group. In his last position at IBM, he served as Director, IBM Tivoli Demand Systems Marketing where he held global responsibility for generating and managing the Tivoli pipeline.
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