Checkmate: Dell Has the Industry’s Most Secure PCs

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How prepared are you to protect your company’s most important asset – its data? Before you answer, consider the facts:

  • Hackers stole nearly 447 million records containing sensitive personal information in 20181
  • Every 60 seconds, $1.1 million is lost to cyberattacks2
  • The average cost of cybercrime for an organization was $13 million in 20183

These statistics are daunting, and the rate at which they continue is proof that organizations are missing something when it comes to security. But rest assured, you can have peace of mind.

Because endpoint security is so complex and constantly evolving, there’s no silver bullet. But it’s important to start at the foundation. While the rest of the PC industry prioritizes security applications and defenses that sit above the PC operating system (OS), Dell Technologies fortifies the device deep within the endpoint, starting below the OS. This is where Dell Technologies sets itself apart, delivering the industry’s most secure PCs – hands down.

How can we make such a bold claim? It’s all in our approach and way we architect a system of security measures, built from the inside out.

Secure the Control Tower

Many security vendors approach security as a layer that sits above the device as software; however, our approach starts at the deepest layer of the device – the BIOS, which acts as the air traffic-control tower, ensuring all the PC hardware works in concert. It’s essentially the king of the chessboard. Protecting the BIOS is critical for all devices because if an attacker gains access to this level of the PC, it’s checkmate my friend, and the infiltrator can do just about anything with the device on the network.

To guard the PC BIOS from tampering and cyberattacks from the inside out, Dell Trusted Devices give customers the ability to choose their recovery options versus a mandatory refresh, a reckless practice that’s often used by others. Think of it this way – if a burglar broke into your house, wouldn’t you want to investigate how the break-in occurred to prevent it from happening again and make sure that criminal is put behind bars so no one else experiences the same crime? Dell helps you sleuth and strengthen your PC, from the foundation up.

Prevent Credential Stealing

User credentials are the skeleton key to the network kingdom, making them highly desirable to attackers. Some organizations store and secure user credentials via software, versus hardware, but this approach leaves important credentials vulnerable. When an attacker compromises a PC and gains access to user credentials, they have broad access to the network and can launch more attacks from within. Credential storage in software opens the door for serious side-channel attacks and other credential theft tactics.

Only Dell provides secure credential storage in an isolated security chip for better credential protection. Dell’s security chip facilitates an authentication “handshake” directly in the hardware so that credentials are never exposed within software.

Block Sophisticated Threats

While security starts within the device from the inside out, cyber threats continue to grow and get more sophisticated. This doesn’t mean you’re forced to layer on piecemeal security solutions and cobble together an approach from multiple vendors. Only Dell Technologies unites hardware security with software and services to help you better protect your business. Here’s how we take our built-in security another step forward:

  • We simplify threat management so organizations can prevent, detect and respond quickly and efficiently to threats, keeping devices free from malware and cyber attacks. Workers can stay productive and free from the disruption a security incident can cause.
  • In the event of a serious security incident, organizations can tap into highly trained incident response specialists from Secureworks for expert support before, during and after a security incident.
  • Encryption software protects data on the device and in the cloud, all without disrupting user productivity.

Shield from Prying Eyes

Companies trust their employees to keep confidential information safe. Every time a worker turns on their PC and accesses information, they create an opportunity for a nearby wandering eye to compromise sensitive data – especially for remote workers, who are growing in number every day.

For a final layer of data privacy, Dell’s built-in privacy screen lets PC users control their screens’ viewing angles to protect sensitive data. With the push of a button, the display’s backlight adjusts for optimal privacy. No longer do you have to worry about wandering eyes in the airport or coffee shop sneaking a glimpse of next year’s product roadmap or your latest bank statement.

Tomorrow brings an ever-evolving universe of threats, and the most effective endpoint security will adapt quickly to defend against the unknown. Dell Technologies’ continued investment in security innovation helps us stay ahead of others – but most importantly – makes our customers the most secure.

1 2018 End-of-Year Data Breach Report from the Identity Theft Resource Center
2 RiskIQ 2018 Evil Internet Minute Report
3Cost of Cybercrime Study 2019

About the Author: Brett Hansen

Brett Hansen is Vice President, Dell Unified Workspace. In this role, he is responsible for developing solutions that enable customers to simplify and streamline their client lifecycle, secure their endpoints, and ultimately provide users with a more productive and modernized workspace environment. With Dell Technologies uniquely positioned to deliver these solutions, Mr. Hansen harnesses capabilities from Dell Client, Dell Services, VMware and Secureworks to deliver integrated solutions spanning hardware, software and services. These technologies are optimized on Dell Client portfolio, but also embrace the multi-OS and device heterogenous environments of our customers, ultimately providing them with the choice, simplification, and productivity improvements they desire. Brett engages with customers, channel partners and product developers on a daily basis, leveraging his more than 15 years of experience leading business development and channel functions in the software industry. Brett joined Dell after 12 years with IBM Software Group. In his last position at IBM, he served as Director, IBM Tivoli Demand Systems Marketing where he held global responsibility for generating and managing the Tivoli pipeline.
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