H2C Liquid Cooling System

I have been getting requests from some Direct2Dell readers to show how the H2C liquid cooling system works. I figured the best way to do that was to catch up with Chuck Hood, one of the lead engineers involved in designing it.

I was pumped to see the folks at Valve Software mentioned the 710 H2C recently. Thanks to you guys for some of the best single player gaming experiences ever in both Half-Life and Half-Life 2 in my opinion. Ravenloft Ravenholm in HL2 completely rocked, but I digress.

Update: Direct2Dell reader Kunikos informed me that Ravenholm is the correct name for the Half-Life 2 level. Made the change above.

In this video, Chuck talks about the liquid cooling system from an engineering perspective. The video’s over 17 minutes long, but it should give our enthusiast readers out there some insight as to what sets the 710 H2C’s liquid cooling system apart from off-the-shelf aftermarket water cooling solutions.

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About the Author: Lionel Menchaca