Home Users: Windows XP Returns

Just after the IdeaStorm launch, a user called Javaprog07 posted an idea called “Don’t eliminate XP just yet.”  After Tom West’s post that said Dell would offer Windows XP on systems for small business customers, many Direct2Dell readers like giosetti, JMXZ, Reid Stott, have commented or sent e-mails asking us to bring back Windows XP for home users as well.

Today, we’re doing that. 

Starting now, consumers can now purchase Windows XP or XP Pro on Dimension E520 and E521 desktops, and on Inspiron 1501, E1405, E1505, and E1705 notebooks. Check out these links for notebooks and desktops with Windows XP (or XP Pro). 

For more details, see the Ideas in Action section of IdeaStorm.

Update:  At this point, this applies to U.S. customers only. My apologies for not clarifying this upfront. I will update this blog post with any new  developments for non-U.S. customers.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca