Vista Upgrade, Dimension E521, Sound Blaster Audigy MB Software

Rather than reply to many individual comments and personal e-mails regarding the Dell Vista Express Upgrade, concerns around the Dimension E521, and the Vista version of the Sound Blaster Audigy MB software, I wanted to let people know that we will use the blog to provide updates on all three.

Regarding the Vista upgrade, Dell can help customers who have issues with:

  • The Dell Vista Upgrade site not recognizing their service tag(s)

  • Cerficate of Authenticity (COA) issues

  • Credit Card/ Change of Address issues

About the E521, truth is there’s a lot of information I need to get my head around before I comment. I will spend time next this week to review details my colleagues in the Dell Community Forum and others within Dell.  

The update on the Vista version of Sound Blaster Audigy MB software has taken longer than I expected. I apologize for that, but will have an update for customers sometime this week.

The purpose of this post is to let Direct2Dell readers know that I’ll be working to provide updates on these topics as quickly as possible. In some cases when I’m quiet, I don’t have any information to share. Other times, I may be a bit behind in following up on issues Direct2Dell readers raise. Lots of times, the issues can get complicated. That said, I’m not here to make excuses. I appreciate your continued patience, and apologize for any frustration these issues may have caused.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca