Uplift your SharePoint environment with Dell’s SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization Solution

 Posted on behalf of Dave Zenz, Dell Solutions Marketing Manager

The familiar SharePoint wheel continues to turn and Dell recently sponsored the winter SPTechCon 2012 conference held in San Francisco. SPTechCon is the largest independent SharePoint conference and their focus is end-to-end attracting IT professionals, SharePoint administrators, business managers, analysts, and developers. As such it was only fitting that Dell participated in the conference to showcase end-to-end SharePoint solution capabilities across Services, Software, and Hardware.

Personally, the opportunity to talk one-on-one with these individuals and understand their business objectives and what’s keeping them up at night relative to usage of SharePoint was invaluable. There is simply no doubt that SharePoint is establishing itself to be a tour de force in the Enterprise as businesses look for open, scalable, and affordable approaches to managing their growing data including the ability to mine it for the valuable information contained within.

To address the infrastructure complexities and challenges with SharePoint, Dell has developed a differentiated approach with our SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization solution (SIO). Dell has an upcoming webinar on March 6th (3/6) titled “Uplift your SharePoint environment with Dell’s SharePoint Infrastructure Optimization Solution.” I encourage anyone using, or thinking about using, SharePoint join us and learn about how Dell can help you.

About the Author: Alison Krause