The Second Machine Age: 5 Things Our Kids’ Kids Won’t Know About Transportation

<a href="" rel="attachment wp-att-9270"><img class="aligncenter size-large wp-image-9270" alt="456075475" src="" width="480" height="311" /></a> <br / /><li style="text-align: left;">1. What it’s like to drive a car</li> <li>2. What it’s like to queue at the DMV</li> <li>3. What’s a Taxi</li> <li>4. How buses had a pre-defined route</li> <li>5. How Top Gear was a show, not the latest fresh garms.</li>
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  1. What it’s like to drive a car
  2. What it’s like to queue at the DMV
  3. What’s a Taxi
  4. How buses had a pre-defined route
  5. How Top Gear was a show, not the latest fresh garms.


There’s a lot of fervor over what some of today’s best business minds are describing as The Second Machine Age. Decades in the making, the Second Machine Age represents another fundamental shift in the way we live, work and, yes, play.

Like the first Machine Age, technological innovation and the quest for automation are driving the change, but this time around it will be the automation of information (or ‘knowledge works’) that will define the period, impacting lives on a whole new level of magnitude.

In fact, while I was researching electric vehicles this past weekend, it struck me just how Teutonic these changes will be and how close they really are, which brought home how every aspect of our lives will be irrevocably different.

Continuing reading on our sister site Reflections.

About the Author: Guy Churchward

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