This morning at Facebook’s headquarters in Palo Alto the company announced their Open Compute project Partners and kindred spirits were there to tell the story behind Open Compute and explain what they think it means to the industry. One group of kindred spirits were the individuals from Rackspace. I got some time with Jim Curry who heads up OpenStack at Rackspace after the event officially ended.
Here is what Jim had to say:
Some of the topics Jim covers:
- Driving efficiencies in data center design requires looking at the issue holistically.
- Learning from Facebook’s successes and failures.
- Looking forward to collaboration in an area that hasn’t historically had a lot of collaboration.
- Engagement with Facebook engineers on how to run OpenStack on their hardware.
Extra-credit reading
- Facebook, OpenCompute and Dell
- My photostream from this morning’s event
- Forrest Norrod of Dell on Open Compute
- Frank Frankovsky of Facebook talks about Open Compute — how they got there and where they go from here
Pau for now…