Information Experience “Ask the Expert” follow-up

Thank you! The Ask the Expert session featuring the EMC Isilon Information Experience team was a lively exchange. It was great to share experiences and ideas about Isilon content with you. In this follow-up post, we’ll update you about what actions we’re taking based on your suggestions.

Finding just what you need, quickly

One item that came through loud and clear is that we produce a lot of dense information about Isilon products. Those of you who manage several EMC platforms can get inundated, and sorting out what’s important from what can wait can be quite a task. We should make it a lot easier and faster for you to find just what’s relevant to you. We’ve created a proposal for doing that which is now in review.

Cool Commands videos

Thanks for the great ideas for the new Cool Commands video series.  The first batch of videos will cover broad commands, and you’ll see more specific commands like isi statistics covered in subsequent videos.

When in doubt, script with the OneFS API

Command line interface (CLI) commands can change from release to release and that can be a source of concern. We have the answer for you: the OneFS Platform API (PAPI). Even if the underlying CLI commands change for a particular release, PAPI scripting will be consistent from release to release. Check out the OneFS API Info Hub and OneFS Uptime Hub for information about getting started.

New! Updated! Lookie!

Oh yes, those New! and Updated! tags on our Info Hubs can be distracting. Special notices can really clutter up the content, too. You let us know that if tags and notices are left up for too long, they can be confusing. So we’ll remove New! and Updated! tags after 2 weeks and remove notices as soon as they’re no longer relevant.

Tell us more

Your feedback is invaluable – don’t be shy about letting us know about your experience accessing and using EMC Isilon technical content. Email us at with your feedback. And thank you!

About the Author: Risa Galant