Dell Security Sessions Standing-Room-Only at Dell World 2014

“At any given moment, every organization in the world is a few well-formed packets away from infrastructure disaster!”

That’s what I told the standing-room-only Dell World security sessions, where we announced we have made the 120 Gbps of deep packet inspection (DPI) next-generation firewall scalable architecture immediately available.

 Patrick Sweeney on stage at Dell World 2014 User Forum

This will address the massive, unprecedented rise in traffic volume, driving demand for greater bandwidth in today’s intensive IT climate. Dell’s new network security layer is therefore highly extensible to support the largest of data centers’ bandwidth consumptions with near zero-downtime, at the lowest possible total cost of ownership (TCO).  We showcased this future-proof solution at the main tracks, main stage and solutions expo at Dell World; Dell gave the industry’s first demonstration of 120 Gbps DPI NGFWs together with the University of Kentucky. Dell World attendees witnessed the incredible demonstration of unbelievable throughput.

“Dell’s SuperMassive firewall sandwich architecture gives an enterprise the ability to grow as needed, protect at a lower cost, lower operational costs and gain operational intelligence. Coupled with Dell’s partnership, its simple beats the competitors hands down. This is the future of next-generation firewall architecture,” said George Insko III, enterprise security architect, University of Kentucky.

A second game changing announcement addressed the demands of provisioning and governance, with the new Identity Access Management as a Service. Dell’s robust One Identity-as-a-Service solution, however, includes not only access control, but also provisioning and governance, making all three tenets of IAM available in SaaS. Most IAMaaS offerings are aimed at narrow use cases with an emphasis on the uniqueness of SaaS rather than solving actual, critical IAM pain points.

According to Hemen Vimadal, CEO – Simeio Solutions, “We recognize Dell’s leadership when it comes to delivering a comprehensive IAM solution, and we are pleased to partner with an industry leader to offer a full-featured Identity as a Service solution to organizations that typically struggle to address IAM needs.  The Simeio Business-Ready IAM Cloud delivered via the industry’s first and only Identity Intelligence Center, provides our clients with a higher level of security and reliability.”

The significance of these innovations and integrations was dynamically reinforced in the keynote by founder and CEO. Michael Dell. His message was furthered developed in Dell’s more than thirty security sessions and hands-on labs  – led by product managers, engineers, architects and developers.  Among the many highly informative sessions were: Achieve Deeper Network Security, Mobile and Email Security; Secure Your Mobile Workflow End-to-End in a BYOD World and The Modern End-User Experience: Protecting the Data Wherever It Goes.

The Dell World expo itself included a special “Protect Journey” leading attendees through a the five steps of the security strategies for end-to-end protections against today’s cyber attacks:

As Michael Dell said in his keynote, we are the fastest growing, largest integrated IT company. We are committed to our customers and partners and focused on our customer’s success. As you have seen this week, we are focused on new integrations and innovations across Dell to deliver security as a business enabler with its end-to-end solutions.  Thank you and come back to Dell World next year!

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About the Author: Patrick Sweeney