Code Currency: The relevance of an accurate code

Alper Akar shares his view why certain codes should be prioritized every 12 months

Code currency is a significant initiative at Dell which encourages our customers and partners worldwide to update their systems to benefit from the latest enhancements and new features.

Upgrading to the latest version allows you to avoid common technical challenges through available fixes and patches, as well as gaining further performance stability, and enhanced protection for your system from security threats.

We highly encourage customers to install the latest Roll-up Patches (RUPs), Node Firmware Packages (NFPs), and Drive Support Packages (DSPs) as well, to further enhance performance, resolve known issues regularly and decrease vulnerabilities.

Ideally, code currency should be prioritized every 12 months to ensure your product is running the latest target product version available.

Checking monthly for new RUPs, NFPs, and DSPs and applying updates will ensure you have the latest code levels to provide the highest level of cluster performance stability and system integrity.

Keeping code current versions reduces the need for Service Requests and proactively prevents common technical issues now resolved in the latest new product release.

It is a best practice while upgrading to adopt the latest code release and apply all applicable RUPs (Roll Up Patches) and firmware packages.

If you are ready to upgrade, you can refer to upgrade procedures from the Online Support portal in the documents section. If you need any assistance, our Dell Service Engineers and Support Account Managers are ready to assist you through our Online Support site from where the customer has also access to  MyService360 in the bottom area of the page

About the Author: Alper Akar

Alper Akar, gelernter IT-Systemkaufmann und seit 8 Jahren bei Dell, angefangen als Enteprise TechSupporter für die Schwellenländer Türkei, UAE und Isreal und seit 6 Jahren tätig als Service Account Manager für Deutschland. In seiner jetzigen Funktion unterstützt er Kunden in Deutschland mit allen Dienstleistungen die ProSupport Plus zu bieten hat. Sein Hauptziel ist es, die Beziehung zu seinen Kunden aufzubauen und die Arbeit des Kunden zu erleichtern im Rahmen des ProSupport Plus Servicelevels.