Data​ you provide to us

Data​ you provide to us

We collect data you provide to us in the course of your interactions with us such as when you create an account or buy our products. We use the information for purposes like providing you with services or contacting you about other offers that may interest you.

Data​ from others

Data​ from others

We collect data from our trusted Business Partners for purposes such as fraud prevention, assistance with completing transactions, and providing you with more personalized promotional communications.

Automatically collected data​

Automatically collected data​

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect and save information about you when you interact on our website, click on content or ads, or search for purposes such as to create tailored ads both on and off our website.

When you use our products, services, and

explore our website, your personal information

is sent to us for a variety of reasons.

That means we have a big responsibility

This is how we work to help secure and protect your data:

Employing safeguards

We design our data security safeguards to help ensure that your collected information remains confidential with the utmost integrity.

Limiting access to information

We collect information about you to cater our services (e.g., warranty renewals, order tracking) and employ appropriate measures such as limiting access to it and deleting it when it is no longer needed.


We employ appropriate safeguards such as encryption when collecting or transferring sensitive data, such as credit card details, to help keep it secure.

Privacy Rights

Data protection laws offer you certain rights, which may vary based on your location, such as the rights below.

Right to Know

You have the right to know about the personal information we have collected about you and why we collected it.

Right to Access

You have the right to access the personal information we have about you.

Right to Portability

You have the right to receive a copy of your personal information, so you can share it with another organization.

Right to Deletion

You have the right to ask us to delete the personal information we have about you. We will honor your request respecting legal limits to it.

Right to Be Free from Discrimination

Dell will not treat you unequally for exercising your consumer privacy rights.

Upholding Ethics & Privacy

Ethics and privacy are essential to building trust, upholding integrity
and establishing a foundation for positive social impact.

Ultimately, transparency drives customers’ trust. Good business practices around use of personal data must consider,
first and foremost, the human impact of personal information collection and use. As a global company, we comply
with privacy laws all over the world and help shape these laws with our customers’ privacy preferences in mind.   

Still have questions ?

Contact our privacy team at