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Rating and Reviews Information

Information on obtaining, processing and displaying customer ratings and reviews

Dell Technologies provides access to customer ratings and reviews of Dell products on the website ( Before the reviews are published, technical measures are applied to ensure that the ratings and reviews originate from customers who have purchased the product. Customers can provide ratings and reviews to be published on the website either through a so called On the Box App or through a Post Interaction Email. These reviews are labelled “Verified Purchaser” when displayed online.

  • Rating and reviews via On the Box App – In select PCs, when the system is setup (put in use), a factory-installed survey application launches and the customer is asked to leave a review. If the customer choses to leave a review, the customer will be asked to rate the product in a five star rating system, to write a free text review and to indicate if he/she would recommend the product to friends or family. None of these sections (star, free text, recommendation) are pre-filled or pre-populated.
  • Rating and reviews via Post Interaction Email – an email is sent to the customer who has purchased a Dell product from asking the customer to leave a review. If the customer choses to leave a review, the customer is asked to rate the product in a five star rating system and to leave a free text review and to indicate if he/she would recommend the product to friends or family. None of these sections (star, free text) are pre-filled or pre-populated.

Dell may also display ratings and reviews left by other users than verified purchasers and in those cases, the rating and reviews are labelled either “Dell Promotion” or “Staff Review/Dell Staff” depending on which category the user belongs to. The persons leaving rating and reviews in the categories “Dell Promotion” and “Staff Review/Dell Staff” have received a free sample of the product which they are allowed to keep, they have not been paid to leave the review. If a verified purchaser has left a rating or review in exchange for a chance to win a prize another product, that rating or review is labelled “Dell Promotion”. A positive rating and/or review does not increase the chances of winning, winners are appointed randomly.

Dell may reject or delete a review if the review has offensive content or contains product price, names of competitors, identification number of the individual product or personal data, or if the review is not substantially about the product. Rating and reviews being negative is not cause for deletion or suppression.

As regards calculation of ratings, the average rating score is calculated as a straight average of the score of all approved ratings (obtained through all available rating and review avenues) for a particular product.

Reviews are sorted from high to low by default but viewers can change the sorting and can also filter on number of stars.
Intel® Core™ Processors
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