Remarkable Energy Starts at the Edge

      • As the global population grows, energy usage grows with it, and the energy sector is under pressure to not only generate and distribute more power, but also to minimize greenhouse gases. 5G and edge computing will be essential. So, Dell is working with communications service providers (CSPs) to help them develop and deliver the kinds of services and solutions the future of energy requires.

      • Helping energy companies cut carbon output will be a key market for CSPs.

    • Enabling Sustainability in an Energy-Hungry World

      The energy sector currently generates 75% of global greenhouse gases*, and demand for energy continues to increase. But at Dell Technologies we believe that by working together with CSPs we can help advance a remarkable revolution in energy sustainability.

      Enabling this revolution will require a shift to dynamic, distributed renewable power generation, as well as energy grids that embrace IT advances like automation and artificial intelligence and harness edge computing and high capacity, ultra-low latency data communications.

    • Decarbonizing with Data

      Edge computing and 5G networks’ critical role in the transition to carbon-free energy.

    • Sustainability in an Energy Hungry World

      Today, the energy sector generates 75% of global greenhouse gases and energy usage will only continue to rise as the world’s population increases. Discover how communications service providers can help energy companies increase output while reducing emissions.

    • Enabling Sustainable Energy

      With energy usage increasing and climate change a reality, Dell Technologies is partnering with communications service providers to help them enable the energy sector to increase output while reducing emissions. Our open telecom solutions coupled with our broad edge portfolio help power the kind of intelligent solutions the energy sector requires to drive sustainability around the globe.
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