Boston Scientific

    • Going ‘cloud first’ bolsters SQL and Oracle data protection

    • Business Needs

      Boston Scientific’s IT transformation goals included a major move to cloud-first. They wanted cloud data protection for their SQL and Oracle databases that they could expand globally via Amazon Web Services Marketplace and that would be simple for database administrators to use for managing their own backups.

    • Business Results

      • New DDVE instances spun up and production-ready in 2-3 hours, anywhere in the globe.
      • DBAs can manage their own backups.
      • 45X deduplication rate.
    • Our mantra is cloud-first. That’s where the need for DDVE comes in.

      Tim Hudoba, Senior Storage Administrator, Boston Scientific
    • Boston Scientific, a leading medical device company based in Boston, Massachusetts, has a cloud-first IT strategy, with the goal of evolving to a 50/50 on-prem/cloud infrastructure by 2023. As a step toward that goal the company has updated their data protection with a Dell EMC solution that included PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition (DDVE) in AWS as a target for backing up their databases.

      Recently, we caught up with Tim Hudoba, Senior Storage Administrator at Boston Scientific, to see how their DDVE implementation was working out. Here’s the story, in Hudoba’s own words.

    • ‘Cloud First’ is the new mantra

    • “My primary job at Boston Scientific is to maintain backups and data protection with our PowerProtect DD appliances and DDVE.

      “Boston Scientific is going through a transformation from on-prem to the public cloud. Our mantra is ‘cloud first’ before putting resources on-prem. So that’s where the need for DDVE comes in.

      “We’re currently using DDVE in the AWS public cloud. We have DDVEs in two different regions currently: Northern Virginia and Ireland. And soon, in Tokyo.

    • Because of the ease of AWS Marketplace, we can spin up a DDVE in about two or three hours.

      Tim Hudoba , Senior Storage Administrator, Boston Scientific
    • Spinning up an instance in 2-3 hours

    • “Because of the ease of AWS Marketplace, we can spin up a DDVE in about two or three hours. That includes not only spinning up the instance, but enabling things like in-flight encryption, file system encryption, creating all of our M-trees and other connectivity to ADE, and other activities like that.

      “This is great, especially for ramping up in our Tokyo region. I’ve asked a volunteer and said, ’Hey, somebody want to spin up a DDVE instance? Take two, three hours of your time?’ And they’re going to run with it.

      “We’re using all kinds of AWS services: Kubernetes, Amazon EC2 Compute, Amazon S3 Buckets, transit gateways, load balancers. I think there’s in total around 50 services that we’re offering our customers.

    • Once we click on our DDVE, it launches that Cloud Formation
      stack. We just wait until it finishes, and we can perform our final configurations.

      Tim Hudoba , Senior Storage Administrator, Boston Scientific
    • Ease of use

    • “Right now, I would say the top three benefits for DDVEs in AWS is: Number one, the ease of creating an instance and getting it prepared for production use. Using the AWS Marketplace is fairly easy. Once we click on our DDVE, subscribe to it, it launches that Cloud Formation stack. We just wait until it finishes, and we can perform our final configurations.

      “Number two is the use of the database agents and how easy it is for DBAs to set that up.

      • Fitting 54TB into 1.2TB of space

        “And number three is probably our high deduplication rates that we’re getting on our DDVEs. We’re seeing just shy of 45X dedupe rate. It’s great to see that. There’s nothing like being able to squeeze 54 terabytes into 1.2 terabytes of space.

      • “I don’t know what we’d do without it.”

        “All I can say is, I’m glad Dell has provided PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition in AWS. I don’t know what we’d do without it.”

      • "All I can say is, I’m glad Dell has provided PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition in AWS. I don’t know what we’d do without it."

        Tim Hudoba

        Senior Storage Administrator, Boston Scientific

    • “We’re ready.”

    • “We use the DDBEA (DD Boost for Enterprise Applications) agents to back up to DDVE. Currently we’re protecting SQL and Oracle workloads to our PowerProtect DD Virtual Edition. However, we’ve set up our M-trees to support other DDBEA databases, such as PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MariaDB. So, we’re ready

    • We’re seeing just shy of 45X dedupe rate. It’s great to see that. There’s nothing like being able to squeeze 54 terabytes into 1.2 terabytes of space.

      Tim Hudoba , Senior Storage Administrator, Boston Scientific
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    • Customer: Boston Scientific
      Industry: Healthcare
      Location: United States

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