Why Twebinars Rock

I'm pretty pumped to tune into the next Twebinar that happens today on July 22 at 1pm Central Time. It's the second installment of a three-part series that's happening over the summer. The topic of discussion in Part 2 is Who Really Owns Your Brand? I know our social media tour-de-force Richard Binhammer (@RichardatDell) will be participating via webcam and Twitter as it unfolds.

So, what the heck is a Twebinar? It's an idea hatched by Radian 6's David Alston (@davidalston) and Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan).  Think of a mashup between a webinar and Twitter. The theme of the first one was Game Changing Moves. Chris served as the host via webcam and pre-recorded video interviews with social media leaders who discussed examples of companies are using social media to connect with their customers. That's the webinar piece.. adding Twitter to the mix is where things get interesting.

Why do I say that? Because Twitter allows all the participants to talk to each other in real time as we're watching the video. It was like watching a TV show with 1,500 buddies in the same room. To track conversations, I used a browser with two tabs open: one with the Twebinar window and a second with (now Twitter-owned) Summize.com where I searched for @twebinars and #tweb. That made it easy to keep up with a rapid flow of conversation that happened during the Twebinar itself. Clicking on the image below will take you to that same search. It will also allow you to track the conversation from today's Twebinar. Update: Please use #tweb2 to track today's conversations.

Twebinar Search in Summize

I'm excited about the Twebinar concept because of the possibilities it brings to the table. I'll probably blog about some of those ideas later. If you're interested in tuning in for today's Twebinar, here's the link to register. Or for more details on how to get ready for this one visit www.twebinar.com.

The image below is a snippet from the Twebinar website that summarizes how it all works. You can click the image to register. Hope to see you there.


About the Author: Lionel Menchaca