Virtual Workspaces Offer a Secure, Flexible End-User Experience

In our customers’ businesses, as in our own, we have seen how ubiquitous access to the digital world, multiple screens and constant connectivity have changed consumer behaviors. This change has driven organizations to evolve the way they market and sell products. Consumers want to be in control of their own experiences.

Empowering the workforce to be productive and efficient while maintaining compliance and data security is critical to business success. – Steve Bodnar, Director, Dell Virtual Workspaces

Like consumers, end users within the workforce expect flexibility, unfettered access to information and ease of use as they go about their daily tasks. Forward-thinking IT leaders are finding that empowering the evolving end user is as fundamental to success as ensuring compliance and data security. That is why many organizations are looking to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) solutions to increase productivity and enable end-user choice in a secure and flexible way.

Factors such as consumerization, (including BYOD), the demand for increased mobility, and an increasingly distributed, global workforce continue to present challenges for IT. Virtualization of workspaces and applications allows end users to remain productive in a variety of locations, using their preferred devices, while maintaining security and compliance.

A successful VDI solution should help your IT team:

  • Deliver scalable and flexible solutions that enhance the end user experience while increasing productivity
  • Enable secure use of devices from anywhere
  • Create consistencies through common workspaces and applications, and efficiencies in device management

Forrester Research has published a white paper on five ways to ensure that your digital workspace initiative doesn’t fail.  This paper discusses how VDI initiatives have a better chance of success when user experience and cost savings are given equal priority, and provides five questions to answer that will help with this balance.

About the whitepaper

Many organizations prioritize cost savings and increased security when creating a VDI strategy. These are both key areas for focus, but it’s also important to realize that at the center of any successful workspace solution is the end-user experience.

Download this complementary Forrester Research to read more: “Five Ways to Ensure That Your Digital Workspace Initiative Doesn’t Fail”

For more information, contact us today to learn how Dell’s Virtual Workspace solutions can empower your workforce and help drive successful business results across your organization.

About the Author: Christina Torok