The Gift Of Simplicity!

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How is being an IT manager like being the head of a household during the holiday season? First of all, there’s a lot to get done in a very short amount of time. If you can relate, these questions might sound familiar to you:

What’s on everyone’s wish list?

How can I get all these things checked off and stay within my budget?

How many places do I need to go to get everything I need?

Is everyone happy with what they got or do we need to make some exchanges after the fact?



Prior to entering the digital era we’re living in today, these tasks were much harder to accomplish. People found themselves running from store to store with scattered lists of items to grab, waiting in long lines and losing track of how much money has been spent. Today, online shopping and price comparison web apps have brought simplicity to the holiday insanity we all love so much (thank goodness).

Nowadays, people are checking off wish lists with a few clicks of a button. Just log online, sort through some catalogs and toss desired items into a shopping cart with a full price breakdown. You can even use apps and barcode scanners to find out the cheapest place to buy an item. Goodbye mayhem! You just freed up hours of time to focus on the rest of your holiday planning.

Now, let’s take that same concept and apply it to the IT manager’s role. IT requests are coming in left and right from business units and departments. New apps and services need to be deployed to satisfy everyone but there is limited time and resources. To meet demanding deadlines the IT team needs to achieve new efficiencies when it comes to delivering applications and IT services. Business as usual just isn’t an option anymore.

If IT teams want to drive more business value and build enhanced customer experiences in today’s digital world, they need to redefine their business models. Organizations must adopt new processes for delivering IT services with greater speed and agility while simultaneously driving down costs. Traditional IT methods just won’t keep up, period. Organizations have struggled to bring together the security, compliance and reliability of private cloud with the simplicity, flexibility and easy access public clouds offer, while maintaining control and visibility. But once again, new technology saves the day- this time in the form of the Federation Enterprise Hybrid Cloud.

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The fully engineered solution provides IT admins, developers and business analysts alike access to a self-service catalog for automating enterprise applications and IT resource deployments on-demand. Add new applications and services in a few clicks with full transparency into the environment’s health as well as full cost breakdowns.

EMC’s Federation has brought together best-of-breed technology to simplify and drastically accelerate IT requests and tasks through automation and a self-service catalog. Processes that previously took weeks or months to complete are being deployed in a matter of minutes allowing IT staff to invest more time into innovation and driving the business forward.

Bottom line…

In today’s digital world, a unified, seamless approach to IT service delivery is a fundamental aspect of an organizations ongoing operational success. With new levels of automation, self-service and visibility into every aspect of the infrastructure, IT managers can proceed into the future with confidence. Now, if only EMC could provide the same gift of simplicity to the rest of the holiday planning this year!


To see our solution in action, visit our demo site here. Or, learn more on our webpage and follow @emccloud on Twitter.

About the Author: Berna Devrim

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