The era of instant gratification is upon us with the proliferation of cloud computing and software-as-a-service, Big Data and the latest analytical tools, and anywhere, anytime access to information on our mobile devices.
Our true test as IT professionals will be our ability to evolve quickly to create contemporary and innovative solutions and apps that enable our users to be more productive, to analyze Big Data for real-time information, and to make decisions that unlock value for the business.
At EMC, we are partnering even closer with our business users to better understand their needs, and embrace a “fail fast, learn quick” mantra to provide cloud solutions that are elastic, on-demand and flexible. We are also in the midst of offering the same flexible and “social” experience they have in their personal lives through tools for mobile devices, Syncplicity and other unified communications, which enable users to more seamlessly connect and collaborate via phone, email, IM and video.
This is much easier said than done, and it involves honestly assessing where we are today, determining the quick wins and highest priorities, putting the right people and skills in place, and doing it quickly because we need to be competitively agile. It’s not for the faint of heart, but it is truly transforming and contemporizing how we make IT happen.
More Predictions for 2014
SDx (Software-Defined Everything) by Amitabh Srivastava, President, Advanced Software Division
A Battle Cry for Protected Storage by Stephen Manley, Chief Technology Officer, Data Protection & Availability Division
Software-Defined in Two Architectures by Josh Kahn, Senior Vice President, Global Solutions Marketing
Bringing Hadoop to Your Big Data by Bill Richter, President, EMC Isilon
A Whole New World by CJ Desai, President, Emerging Technologies Division
Targeting the Value Office to Transform IT Business by Rick Devenuti, President, Information Intelligence Group
As BYOD Matures, BYOI is Waiting in the Wings by Art Coviello, President, RSA
Service Orientation, Big Data Lakes, & Security Product Rationalization by Tom Roloff, Senior Vice President, EMC Global Services