Systems Management for Growing Organizations

Small and medium businesses have historically been treated as a single segment within the IT solutions market. In reality, medium-sized organizations have very different needs from those of small businesses who are often challenged with having to rapidly scale and expand with limited budgets. This rapid growth is forcing them to have to frequently update their infrastructure, however budget constraints largely keep them from doing so since most IT system upgrades require expensive and time consuming “rip and replace” of older systems. This hinders their growth by introducing inefficiencies that result from using obsolete IT components.

Dell KACE launches the new K-Series Advanced line of appliances that serve the unique needs of medium sized businesses by offering more powerful system management capabilities that allow users to seamlessly scale up and scale out – all at a pay-as-you-grow affordable pricing. The new line complements the current portfolio of small business, and enterprise appliances thereby catering to the unique needs of organizations that are expanding.

Dell KACE also offers an inexpensive, clean, and smooth migration path within the K-Series appliance family for rapidly growing organizations that allows them to upgrade to more advanced appliances in a hassle-free manner unlike with major competitors that often force forklift upgrades upon the customers. Read more about the new Advanced appliances.

About the Author: Saranya Babu