Storage Health Checks – Lifting the Hood for Optimal System Performance

While we diligently mark the calendar with our annual physical or 50,000 mile automobile service, are we as committed to the health of our IT infrastructure? In the same way that preventive care maintains healthy function of our minds and bodies and the tools and resources we depend on, any system that provides mission-critical services requires monitoring, evaluation and corrective action to ensure successful outcomes.

That’s why we encourage you to visit our booth (#364) at EMC World and learn from our team of assessment gurus how to take advantage of the health checks recommended for your Storage Area Network, Flash storage and backup services.  Here’s a peek under the hood for each assessment type.

Flash Assessment: a data-driven evaluation of your existing storage solution to determine how it could be modernized and simplified by transitioning to All-Flash. The Flash Assessment aims to analyze and present critical results that can be realized from this type of transformation. Areas that will be highlighted include storage performance improvements, greater physical space savings, application level improvement and improved overall total cost of ownership.

EMC SAN Health: a free, downloadable tool that discovers all devices in a storage Area Network (SAN) – including all EMC Connectrix current and legacy products – and creates comprehensive documentation such as performance graphs, detailed Excel spreadsheets and topology diagrams. The SAN Health report output can be further summarized by leveraging Mitrend, a cloud-based application that condenses detailed findings into an easy-to-read PowerPoint format.

Backup Assessment: a data-driven evaluation of your existing backup environment. It takes a snapshot of your current backup environment to understand total throughput and number of backup jobs, duration of your backup jobs, backup by data sets, and other useful information. The assessment will reveal opportunities to shorten your backup window and provide estimated savings associated with target side de-duplication. The scope includes EMC and non-EMC backup environments as well as application-based backup solutions like Oracle RMAN.

Below is an example of the type of solution summary the assessment provides.


Don’t miss this great opportunity to take the pulse of your storage and data protection infrastructure by scheduling a checkup at booth number 364 inside the solutions pavilion at EMC World.

About the Author: Lesley MacDonald