Power of Choice and Collaboration Liberates Data Analytics

So close and yet so far. That is often what it’s like when you’re trying to wrangle big data trapped in siloes and extract valuable business insights. It can take weeks or months using traditional methods. Chances are, your data sits on multiple systems across your company or even outside your data center. It’s probably in a variety of formats, both structured and unstructured. No wonder data analysts typically spend up to 80 percent of their time amassing and preparing data before they can focus on analytics.[1]

Dell™ has solved this vexing problem with the new Analytic Insights Module.  This self-service, cloud-native data analytics solution is an effective way to transform big data into actionable insights.   An open, collaborative solution, it combines the power of leading big data software and technology companies that have collaborated with Dell.


With our partners, we remove barriers to easily and quickly integrate your data sources into your applications and offer vital capabilities that span the big data spectrum, enabling you to ingest, analyze, secure, govern, and visualize your data sources. You also gain streamlined access to unstructured NoSQL data and structured data.

On top of that, Dell has worked extensively with our partners and customers to develop high-impact workflows—or, call it the secret sauce—for the Analytic Insights Module. With these built-in best practices, you can expect your data analytics lifecycle to produce deeper insights and with more speed than ever.

In addition, what better way to achieve broad buy-in of your new analytics infrastructure by letting your company’s data science teams choose their analytic and visualization tools? The Analytic Insights Module fits seamlessly with your existing environment and the tools you use today and tools you haven’t even selected. That makes your data analysis more efficient and produces higher quality insights. And your data scientists don’t need to waste valuable time learning new tools.

Proper data security and governance are more critical than ever. Our partnerships bring that assurance to IT by providing comprehensive data awareness, data lineage with end-to-end traceability, and data-level security with resource quotas set by IT.

Even if you don’t have a big data project on the table today, it’s likely you will soon. According to Gartner, 76 percent of businesses are investing in big data, or plan to, within one year.[2] That’s because big data is gaining traction as the prime resource for creating business advantage. A recent Forester study bears this out, finding that firms with higher revenue growth tend to have more mature big data and analytics.[3]

Now, the shackles restricting your big data projects are gone. With the Dell Analytic Insights Module and our powerful team of partners, you can quickly capture big data wherever it lives, use the tools of your choice to surface and share insights, and be confident that your data—and business intelligence—are safe and secure.

[1] “Boost Your Business Insights By Converging Big Data And BI”, March 25, 2015, Forrester Research

[2] Source: Gartner: Big Data Industry Insights 2016

[3] Source: A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dell, March 2016

About the Author: Patti Mizulo