Modern Networks for Today and Tomorrow

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“Why should I buy this now?” Have you ever thought that while looking at the latest products, whether that’s new technology, entertainment systems, sports equipment or anything else?

Do you wonder, “Will it provide more value, better performance, or just a give me something to brag about with my friends?”

Ultimately, you’re trying to decide “Is it worth the investment now, or should I wait?”

That decision process happens all the time when purchasing new products, especially if they are the latest technology. And it is happening again in the Fibre Channel technology race, as the industry is entering the next generation of product cycles, anchored by the latest 32Gb speed, and supported by new capabilities that extend Fibre Channel for the next generation of IT.

When is Enough…Enough???
When your business stops growing, when your customers stop requiring new levels of service, and when your budgets are infinite.X6-8_front Since that is not happening anytime soon, this is a great time to think ahead; position for today and tomorrow; and let new technology provide a way to solve challenges and add value to your business.

EMC, and our close partner Brocade, are giving you that opportunity today. With the latest EMC Connectrix B-Series products, we have worked with Brocade to deliver an industry leading series of 32Gb Fibre Channel systems that are available now, and will help you solve your most critical IT issues today and into the 2020s.

Keeping up with the All Flash Arrays
It is no secret that All Flash storage arrays are changing IT. What has been a bit of a mystery is how your FC storage network can enhance your All Flash array experience. It is amazing how many customers are introducing All Flash arrays into their environment, and connecting them to 5 year old (or older) FC networks. The result is similar to putting a board under the gas pedal of a Formula I car and expecting it to accelerate to top-end speed. It is just not going to happen.

Updating your FC SAN now will help you get the greatest value from your newest All Flash arrays. Doing that with the newest Connectrix B-Series will position you to experience top-end performance now and for many years to come. So you are ready to keep updating your storage environment no matter what new arrays you introduce into your Data Center.

That is future proofing with a purpose…

And there is even more for Today..
We also know it is never enough to just ‘future proof’. Not when you are trying to justify a purchase, and need to show value now.

Simplify and Automate are common themes we continue to hear from customers. Let the systems do the work, so you can do the analysis and deliver exceptional value to your customers. The great thing about the new Connectrix B-Series is that is a common theme for these systems, too. That is not really a coincidence; it is the next step in a maturing plan.

The new Connectrix B-Series systems have huge improvements that work with new capabilities provided by Brocade’s Fabric Vision technology, which are integrated with Connectrix Manager (CMCNE), to accelerate automated operations, network availability, network performance and trouble visibility, and problem resolution, so you get the best experience from your investment, every day, with less manual labor and more productivity.

This automation lets y set the parameters, and the software does the work by keeping you updated on the latest status, identifying and alerting for potential problems, and implementing resolution to keep your systems available and working at the highest possible level.

Simple, automated, and with extreme performance. These are outstanding reasons to evaluate the new EMC Connectrix B-Series 32Gb Fibre Channel systems. For today and tomorrow…

About the Author: Doug Fierro

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