IdeaStorm Fortnightly Recap 10-17-08

Over the last few weeks we have implemented 6 ideas from IdeaStorm.  The first 2 were quickly gaining in popularity and I'm happy to announce we have fixed the pricing on equivalent systems with Linux versus Microsoft Operating Systems.  The Ubuntu versions are priced lower than the Microsoft and you can see the details and updates on these 2 ideas: 

Please make Ubuntu XPS Notebook cheaper than XPS Vista Notebook

Mini 9 netbook Ubuntu price must be cheaper than XP price with same config

There has also been quite a bit of discussion around the Inspiron Mini.  Specifically, Dell Mini Ubuntu (Linux) Missing Webcam.  The webcam was removed from the online configurator for both the Linux version as well as the Microsoft one.  This was removed due to supply issues we were experiencing with the camera.  You can learn more on the whole story around the Mini on Anne's post on Your Blog.  We have added the option back on line with the caveat if you choose to include the camera it will cause a delay in your order. 

We recently had an announcement for Dell Remote Access.  This is a nifty service that allows you to connect to any computer remotely to share and stream files.  Jay Pinkert shares more details with his post on Your Blog and Lionel talks about his different computers for different tasks and the ease with which this will help him work more efficiently on Direct2Dell.  Thanks ideaforremotesupport for the idea to create easier remote support for private users.

In the world of service and online support, we have implemented dpini's idea to Create a dell repostorie with free and private drivers.  Find out more about it on Direct2Dell here.  While we are talking about Drivers, Eoghan_O from our team is engaging on the idea Driver Names!!!  This has been updated to In Progress as he works with our Product teams to incorporate more logical names for our drivers going forward.  Please welcome Eoghan to your conversations and tell him what other ideas are important to you for online support!

Last, and definitely not least for idea news, Kara_k came back to fulfill sugarbear's request to Fix the SMB blog contact us link, it`s broken.  Thanks for the heads up sugarbear!

As I have mentioned in many of my last posts, site changes are coming to IdeaStorm at the end of the month.  Well, the end of the month is almost here and we are getting close to launching the new site.  I'll be back next week to finally give you more details on what is happening.

And with that radio tease, I'm out for today.  As always, thank you for your continued participation and ideas!

About the Author: Vida Killian