Highlights from IoT Solutions World Congress

Last month, our Dell Technologies teams spent time in Barcelona at the IoT Solutions World Congress event – our second trip to the conference for Dell but first as a Dell Technologies family. Dell Technologies was a platinum sponsor and it was our first time to show off the industry’s most comprehensive IoT infrastructure solutions in one place, all just seven short weeks after our integration closed. It was fun to share the innovative ways we’re working with partners and customers to connect the unconnected with the over 8,000 visitors from 70 countries.

Dell Technologies team at IOT Solutions World Congress

Testbeds were a big theme at the show. This is where the innovation and opportunities of the Industrial Internet are thought through and rigorously tested to determine their usefulness and viability before coming to market. Conference co-host Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) was showcasing ten innovative testbeds including a few based on Dell Technologies solutions with industry leaders like Toshiba and Analog Devices.

Our booth hosted 25 demos inclusive of 15 partners from start-ups like V5 Systems to global industry leaders like Intel and use cases from video surveillance to energy management to predictive maintenance 

We hosted several conversations through the week, discussing our views on the Future of Transportation, the importance of standards, and our work with the Land Rover BAR Americas Cup team to help them use IoT to improve competitiveness.

Learn more about the Dell Technologies IoT offering we showcased at IoT SWC in this recent whitepaper by Moor Insights & Strategy. We also hope to see you in our Mobile World Congress 2017 booth which is our next big IoT event where the Dell Technologies IoT solutions will be displayed.

About the Author: Andy Rhodes