Health care and IT: Data with the power to do more

For the second consecutive year, the technology research firm Gartner ranked Dell as the top health care IT provider in the world. Though that No. 1 ranking is based on revenue, Dell strengthened its position with its cloud-based services that address some of the key challenges that health care organizations face.

So what are those challenges? One is medical image management, and the other is archiving and information security.

As the standard of patient care evolves into more collaborative model, data management and the storage of patient files will become more critical for health care providers.

And that, in turn, will require more sophisticated archiving solutions that do it all: aggregate data; manage data for compliance; mitigate the potential risk of data loss; allow for easy search and retrieval; and make data available to all of the health care providers at the point of patient care.

And that point-of-care access is what will make a difference for patients and the health care providers that serve them.

Anyone who’s ever had a sick relative go into the hospital understands the need for accurate and accessible information. What if one doctor, not knowing all of the medications a patient is taking, prescribes a drug that interacts badly with another? What if a specialist is unaware that another doctor already ordered a test and that the results are available to aid in the patient’s diagnosis?

Though health care providers also face other issues – like the rise of mobile clinical computing and physicians’ demand for mobile devices to access patient records, as Dave Marchand, CTO of Dell Healthcare and Life Sciences, recently wrote — there’s a wealth of opportunity when it comes to IT efficiency.

Having a secure cloud-based system can help patients and health care providers save money as well as avoid potentially dangerous and costly situations. So as the costs of providing health care rise over time, there will always be a robust market for cloud services that help providers looking for ways to make their operations more efficient.

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About the Author: Ana Cantu