Dell Shareholder Meeting: Enterprise Solutions Strategy Will Drive Company’s Long-Term Growth

Earlier today, Dell wrapped up its annual Shareholder Meeting. Both Michael Dell and CFO Brian Gladden were on hand to share details regarding Dell’s continued focus on enterprise solutions, services and software. While that’s an ongoing effort, I think it’s noteworthy to call out one of Brian’s points—that in Q1 this year, enterprise solutions and services accounted for 50% of Dell’s gross margin in the quarter.

Dell Shareholders mtg 2012

See the press release for more information. Below is the presentation for the meeting. You can also check the #DellShareholder hashtag on Twitter.

 (Please visit the site to view this video)

Otherwise, the webcast recording will be available in 24 hours for those of you who want to listen to it.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca