Dell’s Customers Speak, Dell Listens: Green Packaging Program with Mushrooms Grows

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Recently, Dell’s Oliver Campbell was interviewed by Mashable (“Your Next Gadget Might Be Packaged in … Mushrooms?”) to share news about the Dell mushroom packaging program, which is one of the most progressive sustainable packing programs of its kind on the planet.


“Dell and mushrooms might not seem to go hand-in-hand, but the theory behind the partnership is core to Dell’s environmental philosophy, and very much customer-inspired. Oliver Campbell, Dell’s director of procurement for packaging, explains that he found consumers’ dislike for styrofoam packaging five years ago. For consumers, Campbell says, the main desires were clear:

They came back with three major things. They wanted the packaging to be smaller, they wanted us to use more sustainable content and they wanted to have a way to responsibly dispose of the packaging in an eco-friendly manner,’ he says.”

We’re very proud of Dell’s innovative and sustainable packaging program that furthers our ongoing commitment to the environment and enables our customers the power to be green too!

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About the Author: Susan Beebe

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