Community Update: Fixes and Enhancements

First and most importantly, I would like to thank you for your patience and ideas. You have provided feedback and suggestions since we went live with our new community site, last Friday. You have always been helpful in creating a better community with us, and this past week was no different.   We know the site isn’t perfect, and with your feedback we are working hard and as fast as possible to fix any known bugs and enhancements.

With your feedback, we made some changes to the site this evening:

·       Old Forum Live for one more week: Many of you shared with us that you did feel you had enough time to get back into the old forum to grab your PMs and avatars, therefore we have left the old forum at http// live for one more week.

·       Speed and error messages: We made some changes to the data architecture, created more indexes and tuned queries

·       “Suggest an Idea” button and link under a user’s control panel took users to a non-working page. It now points you to IdeaStorm

·       Number of blog comments and forum threads that show per page now increased to 15 posts per page

·       Verbiage on "no posts in forum" message was misspelled and is now correct

·       Verified solutions outline is no longer cut off on one side

·       Corrected signatures for forum posts

·       Corrected the wrapping of the forums post footer

·       Paragraph separation added to create forum post page

·       Friend activity in user control panel is now correctly counted

·       Added "Change Password" to password login field



We are still working on more enhancements . Thank you for your help and support . Keep the feedback coming.

About the Author: Sean M