Clear Creek ISD: Learning Innovation Prepares Students for Their Future

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Note: This blog is the 3rd of 3 articles overviewing CCISD’s Latitude 2 Learn program and focuses on the learning innovation occurring on a daily basis.  Part 1 provided an overview of the Latitude 2 Learn program and part 2 highlighted the professional learning program the district implemented to help teachers personalize learning.

Instructor leaning over students at laptops

Students are at the heart of Clear Creek ISD’s (CCISD) Latitude 2 Learn initiative, a program designed to put a tablet in the hands of every student from 4th -12th grade. The district knew that in order to implement their vision of delivering personalize learning, they had to provide a device to every student to bridge the technology gap and ensure equal access to the information and resources essential for learning. 

CCISD involved students in every step of the decision making, from choosing the Dell Latitude 10, to planning and assisting with deployment, to on-going on campus support.  The student ambassador program identified student leaders who received their devices early to provide feedback on the device, technology use in learning and to help support other students and teachers with how to use the tablets.

Students are also a central part of CCISD’s digital citizenship program.  With the help of students, every campus defined their own digital citizenship policy and training to teach students real life lessons about digital citizenship and how online behaviors and communication have positive and negative repercussions.

Campus leaders and teachers are already seeing the benefits of Latitude 2 Learn.  It allows teachers to meet the needs of their kids in a more effective manner, a more efficient manner.   During instruction, teachers can move about the room and still have access to a variety of resources to use during instruction to make it more interactive and engaging. By presenting so many more options, it allows students to be creative and to decide how they want to learn and how they want to demonstrate knowledge of the curriculum. 

“Using the Dell tablets in the classroom has provided me the opportunity to not only be a lesson planner, but a lesson designer.  Kids are being able to choose how they are demonstrating their knowledge of the curriculum.  They’re learning very individualized.” – Emily Browder, CCISD elementary Social Studies and Language Arts Teacher.

 “I can’t speak highly enough about what this has done to the engagement level within the classroom and how much it has individualized the learning for students on our campus. It’s amazing.” – Jepsey Kimble, Principal, Clear Lake City Elementary

Watch the video below to learn more about the positive impact the Latitude 2 Learn program is having on teaching and learning:

About the Author: Kay Kerr

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