Direct2Dell Chinese Goes Live

Today we launched the Chinese version of Direct2Dell,, on the eve of Michael’s visit to China.

When we launched IdeaStorm, I explained that Dell’s digital media strategy revolves around providing customers a way to talk to us. In just over nine months, Direct2Dell has gained quite a bit of momentum. We’re now averaging about 2.5 million page views per month. On March 14, the second day the Linux survey post was live, we reached a record almost 50,000 unique visitors. IdeaStorm continues rapid growth as well—in just over a month, IdeaStorm attracted nearly a quarter of a million unique visitors. While these results are positive, it’s clear that expanding outside of the English language is a logical next step. Today we’re launching the Chinese version of Direct2Dell.

According to the Fortune 500 Business Blogging Wiki, only about 8% of Fortune 500 companies have a corporate blog. In Dave Sifry’s latest State of the Blogosphere report, Chinese is the third most common language in blog posts, behind English and Japanese. The Direct2Dell Chinese is designed for customers who prefer to communicate with Dell in Chinese. In terms odf content, Direct2Dell Chinese will focus on Dell’s operations in China and other major Chinese-speaking countries in the world. Our goal is to address the topics that are most important to our customers in these areas. The new blog will also feature content from the English version of Direct2Dell that is worldwide in nature. 

We look forward to hearing from you. We invite you to share comments, content ideas and feedback with the Direct2Dell Chinese team.





根据一项对财富五百强企业所作的博客维基调查,财富五百强企业中仅有8%拥有企业博客。在Dave Sifry最新的博客现状报告中,中文是博客空间里第三大流行语言,仅次于中文和日文。戴尔直通车是为想要用中文和戴尔进行交流的客户设立的。所以,从内容上来说,戴尔直通车会关注戴尔在中国和其他中文使用国家的运营情况。我们的目的是讨论在这些地区的戴尔客户最为关心的问题。新的中文博客当然也会分享英文版博客里一些全球通用的话题。



About the Author: Lionel Menchaca