Dell Quake 4 Gaming Tournament

Since we launched the blog in July, I’ve received e-mails and comments from Direct2Dell readers that have asked what it’s like to work at Dell, and to provide a bit of insight into Dell’s culture. I thought this contest might be a good way to do it. 

Last week, we kicked off a gaming tournament for Dell employees that features id Software’s Quake 4.  Throughout the day, about 150 Dell employees competed at our campus in Austin, Texas. Congrats to Brent Breimeir, who was the winner in the first event.  Later this week, we’ll have a competiton for employees from our Round Rock campus, and will name one winner there. In October, the winners of both events will go head-to-head to find out who wins top honors.

We’ll use the Q4 Max competion mod throughout the event. We’ll have a total of 24 client systems, 12 XPS 700 units and 12 XPS M1710 notebooks. Quake 4 will be running on a PowerEdge 6650 server configured as eight virtual machines. You can go to this link to find more details how the tournament is structured, map details, vlogs from Alex Gruzen, Sr. VP Product Group, Dell employees who competed, and more. 

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca