Michael and Kevin @ Tech Day

Yesterday, Michael and Kevin both presented at our Tech Day event. One important thing I wasn’t able to reference in any of my work from yesterday was something that Kevin announced with Joe Tucci, Chairman, President and CEO of EMC—the extension of our partnership with them. Kevin also discussed how Dell as a company will continue to evolve—Dell 2.0.

Michael also talked a bit about Dell 2.0. He launched our Dimension products yesterday, including our first two AMD products for consumer and small business customers.

You can check out video and slides from both Michael and Kevin’s keynotes here (free registration required).  Michael’s keynote is toward the end of the clip that the above link takes you to.

Since I haven’t yet figured out how to be in more than one place at a time, there were some other things that happened at Tech Day that I wasn’t able to capture. Here’s a rundown:

Breakout Sessions (all links below are in PDF)

  • Mobility: Taking the Workplace and the Living Room on the Road; Alex Gruzen and Sam Burd’s presentation
  • Solutions & Services: Managing the Enterprise Beyond the Box; Paul Gottsegen and Steve Meyer’s presentation and Dell Services Fact Sheet
  • Design: Meeting Customer Requirements for Design and Usability; John Medica and Neil Hand’s presentation

Other things I didn’t get to:

This concludes my coverage of Dell Tech Day in NYC.  Thank you.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca