• Cloud & Clear Podcast Series

    Tune in to the latest industry trends

    Des O’Connor, Cloud Intelligence Lead at Dell Technologies UK is joined by key technologist and expert voices at the cutting edge of Multi-Cloud Solutions to probe key issues and trends.

    Throughout the Cloud & Clear Series we will address key topics including agility and resilience, cost models, cloud security, technical innovation and sustainability.

      • Cloud & Clear Podcast host: Des O’Connor

        Des is an experienced podcast host and a keen podcast listener. Professionally, he is passionate about emerging technologies and all things digital with a special focus on Cloud. And privately, he describes himself as a travel addict, logistics king, and an advocate for LGBT and D&I.

    • Episode 1: Tuning in

      In this episode we will look at what is required to deliver a Cloud Operating Model capable of meeting the demands of today’s digital business.

      Jonathan Kamminga and Richard Flooks from Equinix will help us define the essential building blocks for a resilient technical foundation, capable of delivering the agility and scalability required to accelerate growth and innovation.

    • Episode 2: Turn UP the Volume

      In episode two of the series we will examine how having the right Cloud architecture can help reduce costs while amplifying business growth and revenue. 

      John Mariani and Charlotte Harrison-Gates from VMware will discuss how to best assess an existing Cloud environment, break down the main operating and finance models, and explain what Cloud ‘as-a-Service’, Cloud Challenger and VMware’s CloudHealth are.


      In this episode we take a look at why the ecosystem is becoming a strategic imperative for businesses and the role Cloud plays in delivering them.

      Margarete McGrath from Dell and Greg Sarafin from EY discuss how Dell Technologies is working with partners to help customers identify the right operating model for the ecosystem and how to measure the value it is delivering.


      In this episode we will explore key insights on Cloud security and how you can use Cloud technologies to boost your Cyber resiliency.

      Narjis Zaidi from Deloitte will discuss how to keep your Cloud environments secure and locked down as a key step in your Cloud transformation journey.


      In our final episode of the series we will take you through our greatest hits, summarizing the key insights and expert analysis from across the previous five episodes.

      Joined by Dayne Turbit we will recap on Cloud industry trends on topics including Cloud architecture and operating models, security and Cyber resiliency, the wider ecosystem and Cloud’s place in the conversation around sustainability.
