• Girls Who Code

    Closing the technology gender gap

    • Girls Who Code was added to Dell’s Youth Learning portfolio in 2016 to continue to provide access and opportunities for girls and underrepresented groups around computer science. In the first year, the partnership reached 4936 girls nationwide and Dell hosted Girls Who Code club trips in Massachusetts, North Carolina and Utah. The company also hosted a trip in California for one of the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion programmes.

    • Girls Who Code’s after school club programme provides a safe and supportive environment of peers and role models for girls to learn and to see themselves as computer scientists. Beyond the Club, girls can tap into an alumni network of tens of thousands of girls across the country who are using computer science to solve problems they care about. Club girls learn the concepts of loops, variables, conditional and functions that form the basis for all programming languages – whether they want to build a website, an app or a robot. Returning Club girls can deepen their programming knowledge through extended activity sets.


      The seven-week summer immersion programmes are designed for girls from years 11 and 12 to learn coding and gain exposure to different high-tech careers. Girls learn computer science through real-world projects in art and storytelling, robotics, video games, web sites, apps and more. They also attend school trips to their area’s tech companies and connect with female engineers in the field.  

    • Youth Learning

      Discover how Dell Technologies impacts the lives of millions of youth throughout the world with innovative learning programmes.