The Future of education: Why AI PCs are the smart choice for transforming teaching

Teachers are the heart of our education system, nurturing young minds and shaping future generations. Yet, they face mounting pressure from ever-increasing workloads, leading to burnout that can in many cases deter talented individuals away from the profession. While technology has always played a role in education, a new wave of AI-powered tools offers a powerful solution to alleviate this burden and empower teachers to focus on what they do best: teaching.

The integration of AI in education is no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day reality. Teachers are already leveraging AI for tasks like providing real-time feedback on student work, generating personalised learning materials, and even supporting students with special educational needs. This early adoption, as highlighted in the Department for Education’s GenAI in Education Call for Evidence, demonstrates the appetite for AI solutions that can free up valuable time and enhance the educational experience.

However, to fully realise the potential of AI in education, we need to address the existing technology gap. Access to powerful and reliable technology is crucial, and this is where the AI PC emerges as a game-changer.

Louise Quennell, CSG Director, Dell Technologies UK, recently contributed to FE News about this very topic. AI in the classroom will not change what it means to be a good teacher, but AI PCs do have the potential to alleviate the heavy teaching workload. In doing so, they can strengthen and support teachers to do what they do best – deliver high-quality education for all.

You can read more by visiting FE News here.

About the Author: Louise Quennell

Louise Quennell leads the Client Solutions Group business at Dell Technologies UK. Louise focuses on customers success, looking at the growth and development of innovation within clients' business and helping them to gain the most from their technology investment.