Combatting cyber complexity: Towards a cyber-resilient future

From the colonial pipeline attack, to the NHS shutdown, to the Solar Winds exploit: sophisticated cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common headlines.

According to McKinsey, the cost of cyberattacks is predicted to rise to about $10.5 trillion annually by 2025 – a 300% increase from 2015 levels. Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report suggests 86% of data breaches were fuelled by financial gain, and that 70% were caused by outsiders. Reports of ransomware are increasing year on year.

And as the threats evolve, so too have the many point solutions brought to market to combat them. Organizations are carrying the burden of managing and integrating multiple security solutions – and the result is a highly fragmented industry that has left organizations struggling to get complete visibility into how to keep their IT estate protected and secure.

The bottom line? You cannot secure the future like you secured the past.

So how do we do a better job of securing our enterprises end-to-end? How do we get greater insight into the nature of the threat landscape, where the gaps lie, and what the business impact of an attack will be? How do we combat growing complexity and risk? And what cyber security and risk management models are emerging to counter a fast-moving threat environment?

Watch the replay of a recent Dell Technologies virtual showcase with speakers from Unit 42, DXC and AMD joining Arash Ghazanfari from Dell Technologies to find out.

About the Author: Dell Technologies