The DevOps Counterpart You Forgot You Needed

Buzzwords like DevOps tend to drive the discussion when it comes to digital transformation. But a recent white paper from Moor Insights notes that in addition to DevOps, the efficiencies gained in IT Operations (ITOps) are one of the key enablers to a successful digital transformation. Your servers are at the center of ITOps, yet most companies haven’t considered the value of intelligent automation when it comes to lifecycle server management.

The average cost of managing and supporting a single server over four years is $46,400[1]. This estimate from IDC doesn’t include acquisition or productivity loss due to server failure or data loss. Ultimately, cost inefficiencies associated with the deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of server infrastructure all point to one culprit: manual server management. Manual server management requires hours and hours of human intervention. Don’t believe me? Go ask your system admin.

Every hour spent on manual tasks is an hour not spent improving your IT infrastructure.

Intelligent automation from Dell drastically simplifies the configuration and deployment of PowerEdge servers. According to a study by Principled Technologies[2], deploying 100 servers manually requires about 22,000 steps over the course of 35 hours. Deploying 100 PowerEdge Servers using intelligent automation features is significantly more efficient (23 steps taking approximately 3 minutes). A time savings of well over 99 percent.

Intelligent automation features like iDRAC (Integrated Remote Access Controller) and OpenManage Essentials software automate server configuration and deployment. They also automate routine server monitoring and management tasks. Dell PowerEdge servers offer Easy Restore, enabling system admins to bring a PowerEdge server back to its last known state in only two clicks. System Erase automates server reprovisioning so IT administrators can quickly wipe a server clean and return it to the original factory settings. Dell PowerEdge servers come with a myriad of tools designed to automate server management throughout the server lifecycle.

The tools and features mentioned above are only a sampling of what’s available to PowerEdge users who want to bring Intelligent Automation into their datacenter. The Moor Insights paper, “Accelerating IT Transformation Through Intelligent Automation in Server Infrastructure” explains in detail how Dell delivers intelligent automation in every 14th generation PowerEdge server.

In the paper, Moor Insights provides a step-by-step approach for IT organizations looking to begin the automation journey. Download the full white paper to learn more. It’s time for ITOps professionals to step into the spotlight and gain equal footing with DevOps devotees. Intelligent automation can get you there.

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[1] IDC, “Accelerate Business Agility with Faster Server Refresh Cycles.”

[2] Principled Technologies, “Save server management time and effort for IT staff”

About the Author: Rachel Clark

Rachel Clark manages content development and messaging for the PowerEdge line of Dell EMC servers. Rachel brings the PowerEdge story to customers through blogs, thought leadership pieces, and other creative content. Prior to joining Dell EMC, Rachel enjoyed a decade-long career in investment management at the Teacher’s Retirement System of Texas. With three degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, she bleeds burnt orange. She most recently earned an MBA from the McCombs School of Business.