Software-defined datacenter straight talk with Tom Burns and JR Rivers

larryEd. Note: This post was authored by Larry Hart, Dell Alliance Manager for Cumulus Networks. He has nearly two decades of experience in storage and networking technologies in various leadership roles including product management, marketing, alliances, business development and strategy. He has an engineering degree and an MBA from Texas A&M University.

The data center is flush with change and it is hard to know where to turn for advice. The myriad vendor positions on technology are confusing and seem self-motivated to lock you into their technology. Meanwhile, your data center is being flooded with more traffic every day.

Getting advice is hard so it’s not every day you get to talk with two of the world’s foremost thinkers in the data center world. With Tom Burns (Vice President and General Manager, Dell Networking and Enterprise Infrastructure) and JR Rivers (co-founder/CEO of Cumulus Networks) joining me, I will get that special privilege on November 20th when I host a webinar to discuss open networking in the software-defined data center (SDDC).

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: another webinar with a bunch of marketing buzzwords! Well, if you know these guys you know that won’t be the case. I’ll be moderating the discussion by teeing up a few questions and then getting out of their way.

We’re planning to discuss a number of topics that will be sure to provoke some strategic thinking on your part, including…

  • Major data center challenges and how best to address them,
  • The current state of enterprise-ready SDDC technologies and how they can provide your organization a platform for future growth,
  • How to modernize your data center infrastructure to be more aligned with business objectives, and
  • Even how you can better promote interaction between silos in your IT organization.

It should be a great discussion.

Oh, and you might be wondering why Dell and Cumulus Networks are doing this together. Well, it’s quite simple. Last January, Dell and Cumulus Networks realized they had the same goal – to disrupt data center networking by giving customers a choice of network operating systems, hardware and software that works best for them. Like they say…great minds think alike. Read more about the Dell-Cumulus partnership here.

So please come join us as two great minds share their vision of the software-defined data center.

Moderator: Larry Hart, Dell Alliances Manager at Cumulus Networks
Thursday, November 20th 1pm PDT/4pm EDT
45 minutes of conversation with Q&A
Register here:

About the Author: Namrta Raghvendra