Position Yourself as the Go-To Technology Partner for IT Transformation

Dell Partners: Introduce customers to all the benefits of modernizing and automating their IT—and provide expert guidance and support at every step.

In today’s increasingly digitally driven world, businesses need to embrace IT Transformation and evolve to stay competitive—sometimes to even survive.

IT Transformation is a fundamental and essential requirement for organizations of all sizes, in all sectors. Because unless they transform their IT, businesses simply cannot deal with the sheer amount of data and digital economy change that their operations are currently facing. All of which presents a fantastic business opportunity for you …

Reap the rewards of becoming a trusted advisor

It’s time to open your customers’ eyes to all the benefits of IT Transformation.

We’ve created an exciting new campaign to help you guide and advise your customers as they start to modernize and automate their IT—an initial strategic step on their journey towards embracing wider Digital Transformation.

With our carefully designed IT Transformation campaign, you can become a trusted advisor, armed with all the resources you need to inform, enable and support them at every stage of their consideration and eventual decision-making process.

It’s time for your customers to transform their IT

Many businesses have already realised the increasingly undeniable need to make the fundamental move of modernizing and automating their IT—but they need expert guidance and support. A recently published ESG survey reveals that 81 percent of execs admit that they know they need to take action to transform their IT with some urgency if their company is to remain competitive.*

C-suite decision makers clearly need to sit up and pay attention—and you’re ideally placed to help them understand the business case for IT Transformation, driving both that agenda and their companies forward.

Develop ongoing consultancy and sales opportunities

Responding to requests from Dell partners, we’ve created a single over-arching campaign that positions the strategic value of the Dell ISG portfolio in its entirety. Each of the comprehensive range of resources and dedicated marketing assets available within the campaign is aligned to a specific step of the buyer journey: Explore > Discover > Learn > Decide.

Our pioneering products and seamless integrations deliver transformational benefits from edge to core to cloud. This new campaign helps you communicate how the overall concept and business benefits of IT Transformation connect down to individual solutions that span everything from Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI), Storage and Server upgrades to Networking, Cloud and Data Protection strategies.

Position yourself as the go-to technology partner

You can use our new IT Transformation campaign to:

  • Demonstrate holistic expertise and nurture long-term, strategic partnerships with customers.
  • Drive the IT agenda with customers and assume ongoing consultant status.
  • Help achieve higher margins by selling end-to-end enterprise solutions.
  • Further boost profitability by attaching your own business services.

A brand new Portal Page is dedicated to delivering all the information and resources you need to help make IT Transformation real for your customers. These include:

  • Influential reports from leading industry analysts ESG and IDC to help you demonstrate the value of IT Transformation and start to build the business case for customers.
  • IDC conversation guides to support you in starting the conversation with customers about the need to modernize and automate IT.
  • Help with honing your pitch—watch a great webinar from Adeel Omer, Dell’s Head of Global Campaigns & Messaging, which brings the Dell IT Transformation story to life.
  • A comprehensive Sales Activation Kit, containing everything from a customer presentation and elevator pitch to a sales card and call plan.
  • Expert marketing campaign assets to support you in planning and developing your bespoke marketing activity and executing your IT Transformation campaign.

To discover more, explore our brand new IT Transformation Portal Page today

*ESG Research Insights Brief commissioned by Dell, April 2018. Results based on an ESG survey of 4000 IT professionals


About the Author: Julie Tatum