Evolving #workforce: is technology making you more productive?

Today we have concluded the Evolving Workforce Study with the release of Report 3: The Business Perspective which incorporates insight from global business leaders and CIOs including myself, Andi Karaboutis and Jim Stikeleather from Dell.  This major study began back in October 2011 with the mission to identify and explore future workplace trends and the role that technology is playing in its evolution. The insight is used to better understand the changing demands of the workforce and how we can better support our customers with the right products, services and solutions as a result.

This was quite an undertaking and a robust study, taking 10 months to complete and incorporating 29 interviews with business leaders and industry experts as well as a survey of 8,360 workers across 11 countries and 5 continents. 

The Evolving Workforce series has provided a wealth of information and insight, but the productivity discussion is proving to be the most prominent – understanding how technology and mobility is driving worker effectiveness and efficiency.  Our findings show a majority of business leaders and workers accept that technology has a positive impact on worker productivity.  The challenge now is to help businesses to take an open and considered approach to the consumerization of IT trend so employees can get the technology and tools they need and want, while at the same time addressing the increased security and manageability requirements for IT.

In the spirit of collaboration and sharing insights and ideas, I’d like to invite your comments and thoughts on these topics:

  • Do you agree that technology makes you more productive?
  • Are you able to get the right devices and applications to deliver results that best meet your company’s business goals?
  • What do you think the workplace in the future will look like?

Also, next Wednesday, August 1, we'll be hosting a Google+ Hangout to continue the conversation. We look forward to continuing to drive this conversation within the industry and among our customers.

Discussion recording from the Consumerization of IT Social Think Tank hosted at Dell TechCamp London. You can view the full archive here and click the image above to enlarge.

About the Author: Steve Felice