Europe, Are You Ready For Dell’s Public Cloud?

At the recent Cloud World Forum, Dell announced the upcoming launch of our Dell Cloud with VMware vCloud Datacenter Service for the European cloud market. In late August, the Dell Solution will officially become available

to European and global customers looking to take advantage of Dell’s enterprise secure cloud infrastructure as their hybrid or public cloud.   

This new cloud deployment is based in the UK datacenter located in Slough.

“Wash, Rinse, Repeat”  An interview of Paola Arbour, Dell VP Infrastructure Technology Delivery Services by Bryan Jones,  Dell Executive Director Marketing, EMEA on the opening of the new datacenter in Slough.

Garth McCarthy, Dell Director Infrastructure Managed Services on the future of Dell datacenters.

As you can see, the Dell Slough datacenter is just the first step for our overall cloud rollout in Europe and I look forward to keeping you updated as we push our cloud into various countries throughout Europe.

The official launch of vCloud Datacenter Service in Europe is slated for late August and I will provide more details on the offer and service options closer to the launch date. Stay tuned to this exciting Europe rollout!

About the Author: Stephen Spector