Come for Knowledge. Leave with Power: Dell Security Peak Performance 2015

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With more than 500 Dell channel partners, press, and analysts attending, Dell Security Peak Performance 2015 conference in Las Vegas, August 30 through Sept. 2 will exceed your expectations. This premier partner event at the Aria offers attendees not only knowledge but power: focused on Dell SonicWALL network security, mobile and email solutions, Dell Security Peak Performance 2015 will be unforgettable.

The conference will unveil new security opportunities and solutions for security channel partners to achieve an average 40 percent increase in revenue as a result of insights gained, connections made and sales engagements. With this revolutionary level of security in the minute it takes you to read this, Dell SonicWALL products will stop a dozen or so malware attacks and block about 3.2 million IPS attacks all around the world.

This year’s event has an incredible line up of keynote speakers including a renowned hacker, as well as Dell Security executives and technical experts. There will be special technical and business breakouts for three levels of partners about our launched products network, email and mobile solutions.

 Here are a few of the speakers:

  • Keynote speaker: Kevin Mitnick –  hacked into 40 major corporations just for the challenge and now he’s a consultant to Fortune 500 companies and governments worldwide. You can bet that the World’s Most Famous Hacker is going to include plenty of valuable security lessons for you and your customers in his keynote address.
  • Curtis Hutcheson, Dell – As VP and GM of Dell Security Solutions, Curtis has the top-down view of all the Dell SonicWALL products you can sell to secure and protect your customers’ data – from the data center, across the network, to the endpoint device.
  • John McClurg, Dell – John is VP and chief security officer of Dell’s Global Security Organization. He will cover integration of Dell Security offerings.
  • Patrick Sweeney, Dell – Patrick is executive director of product management, Dell Security,   will deliver the security vision and roadmap for the future.
  • Yours truly – as executive director of Worldwide Channel and Alliances for Dell Software Group will be your host for this three day event.

Breakout sessions: Bring your sales execs, your new hires and your IT security ninjas. Dell Security Peak Performance will be packed with sessions for all of its channel partners, such as:

  • “GMS Wants You to Be a Millionaire,”
  • “Small and Geographically Distributed Networks,”
  • “Agile Marketing to Increase Profit Margins”
  • “Deploying DPI-SSL for XXL Security”

Solutions Expo: This is your chance to see and ask questions about the latest Dell SonicWALL next-gen firewalls, secure mobile and email solutions and adjacent end-to-end solutions. Check out Dell Identity and Access Management (IAM), Dell Networking, Dell Data Protection and Encryption (DDPE) from the experts who build and maintain them. Come find out how these technologies can meet your customers’ needs.

If you were at this exclusive channel event last year, you know what to look forward to and much more:

“It’s great being at a live event like Dell Security Peak Performance 2014. You can get static information any time you want from the web or email, but these face-to-face conversations are wonderful. We’re discovering new business opportunities, we’re learning things that we never could have before and we’re building invaluable relations,“ says Pete Cafarchio, vice president of business development, Data Motion

All current Dell PartnerDirect partners are eligible to attend at no cost, and each partner company is welcome to send multiple attendees. Send both your technical staff and your decision makers to get to know Dell security experts and channel managers. We are scheduling 1x1s with all executives. If you have a particular person you want to sit down with in a more personal setting, than let your account manager know, so they can arrange.

Register now, and we’ll see you at the Aria in Las Vegas between August 30 and September 2. Follow @DellSecurity on Twitter and DellSecurity on Facebook with #DellPeak to join in the conversation and get updates.

About the Author: Marvin Blough

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