PC Magazine Reader Satisfaction Survey

This morning, PC Magazine posted the results of their annual Reader Satisfaction survey.  Last week’s ACSI results showed that we are making improvements; PC Magazine’s results show that while our customers still have high brand loyalty towards Dell, our tech support and repair satisfaction ratings have plenty of room for improvement. Our numbers in those categories from last year to this year were basically unchanged. We are disappointed in that, and very disappointed that we did not receive a Readers’ Choice award for the first time in years. At the same time, many of the investments and improvements we’ve made were after this survey went to print; we will continue working even harder and look for improvement in next year’s survey.

In last week’s Q2 earnings release, we committed an incremental amount of $50 million to a total of $150 million for the fiscal year to accelerate customer experience initiatives throughout the organization.  We want you to know that we are making investments—both in dollars and personally by thousands of employees who are working tirelessly—to address the issues highlighted in this survey. We believe that our investments will pay off. We continue to chug along with the changes to make things better—some of them will take longer than we like but they are coming. We thank everyone who has bought from us before and who is helping us to get better by providing feedback to us on where we can improve.

About the Author: WW Customer Experience