Michael Takes Energy Efficiency Platform to Washington, D.C.

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Dell will have quite a presence in our nation's capital today as Michael heads to Washington, D.C. to participate in two events focused on energy efficiency. He starts his day at the IT Energy Efficiency Summit. This is a first-time event organized by CIO Magazine that we are sponsoring. We are expecting an  attendance of more than 100 CIOs and other IT decisions makers, is designed to provide IT leaders with insight into energy efficient computing strategies. In a moderated question & answer session with CIO's publisher emeritus Gary Beach, Michael will discuss the challenges organizations face, as well as the benefits they achieve, in driving to make their IT infrastructures more energy efficient. He'll also provide firsthand insight on Dell's Green IT initiatives and how we're tracking toward becoming the greenest technology company on the planet.

And later this morning, Michael and other technology business leaders who are part of the Technology CEO Council (TCC) are releasing two reports: the first one (Information and Communication Technologies: The Power of Productivity, or download the full report as a PDF here—free registration required) was developed by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)  focuses on the overall impact that technology plays to reduce energy consumption; the second study  (A Smarter Shade of Green, download the full report in PDF format here) takes a look at how different technologies are enabling governments, companies and individuals to significantly reduce their energy use. Michael and crew also intend to call on the nation's lawmakers to start adopting policies that encourage better use of information technology to help solve the nation's energy challenges.

So, energy efficiency is the theme of Michael's day in Washington, D.C. We'll keep you updated with more details from both of these events, including video of Michael's remarks at the Energy Summit and links to the new TCC reports. Stay tuned.

About the Author: Lionel Menchaca

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