Server Performance: A Comparison

Performance is certainly an important element for customers to consider for their server purchases. But with IT budgets under strain and all-too-often being focused on simple management and maintenance of infrastructures, it’s important to consider how complete server solutions will deliver increased TCO in data center operations.

More and more customers tell us they’re looking for simplified solutions that:

  • Are fully tested and certified with software OS and application partners,
  • Integrate embedded technologies into the hardware
  • Optimize components for various deployments, environments and workloads
  • Have all these critical elements integrated into the solution before they even leave the factory

Input from 3rd party testing services is a key element in measuring that customers use when determining which solution will work best in their environment. Benchmarking provided by industry standard bodies such as the SPEC, BAPCo, TPC and Storage Performance Council help provide objective information that can be used to compare computer platforms, components, operating systems, and specific system configurations.

That is why we are so proud of recent benchmarks that evaluated performance of business applications showing that Dell outperformed HP, IBM, Fujitsu-Siemens, and Sun.

#1 server for database: SPECjAppServer2004 – #1 performance with 1950 III and R900; Top Application Server/Database performance for 2 node with Oracle Application 10G.

#1 server for virtualization: VMmark – #1 performance with 2950 III and R900; Leaders in 2-socket and 4-socket server virtualization performance.

#1 server for Java: SPECJBB2005 – #1 performance with the R200, 2950 III, and R900; Top Java Based Application performance for 1-socket, 2-socket, and 4-socket servers.

#1 server for power efficiency: SPECpower – #1 performance/watt for currently shipping systems with the 2950 III; The first industry-standard benchmark that measures power consumption in relation to performance for servers.

#1 server for price per performance: TPC-E Price/Performance- #1 with the 2900 III; Top performance for on-line transaction processing workloads for database applications.

The results speak for themselves – we’ve listened to our customers and what they’re looking for in server solutions that are designed to simplify and deliver optimal TCO.

This is exactly what Simplify IT is all about – delivering solutions that customers know will help them get IT faster, run IT better, and grow IT smarter. When you have the most highly optimized solution for your environment today, more IT budget dollars can go to innovation tomorrow – something every customer likes to hear. Learn more about simplifying your IT.

About the Author: Armando Acosta

Armando Acosta has been involved in the IT Industry over the last 15 years with experience in architecting IT solutions and product-marketing, management, planning, and strategy. Armando’s latest role has been focused on Big Data|Hadoop solutions, addressing solutions that build new capabilities for emerging customer needs, and assists with the roadmap for new products and features. Armando is a graduate of University of Texas at Austin and resides in Austin, TX.